
Posted on October 12th, 2022 in Faculty, Media by Carrie E. Foote

IU Indianapolis Sociology Professor Andrew Whitehead OpEd in Time Magazine explains how it is vital we identify and help others recognize the threats Christian nationalism poses if we want to move closer to a country that truly exemplifies liberty and justice for all.  Three threats stand out – he argues that Christian Nationalism is (1) …

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head shot dr foote
Posted on October 10th, 2022 by Carrie E. Foote

On Oct 4, The Indiana General Assembly interim legislative study committee declared unanimous support for modernizing Indiana’s HIV criminal Laws. Dr. Carrie Foote, a national expert on HIV stigma and criminal law reform, from the IU Indianapolis  Sociology Department and chair of the HIV Modernization Movement-Indiana was among key experts testifying in favor of reform. …

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Posted on October 9th, 2022 in Article, Faculty, Publication, Research by Carrie E. Foote

Sociology Professor Amy Shasanmi and her colleague Professor Christy Irving (Vanderbilt University) recently published findings from a study investigating whether individuals in interracial relationships experience greater risk for past-year mood and anxiety disorder compared with their same-race relationship counterparts. Results show that individuals in interracial relationships are at greater risk for anxiety disorder (but not …

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Posted on October 3rd, 2022 in Article, Research by Carrie E. Foote

Associate Professor of Geography Daniel Johnson, examines racial disparities in community-level heat exposure in several US cities using population level census data. Results from this important cutting edge study can be used to guide and prioritize intervention strategies and further urgency related to social, climatic, and environmental justice concerns.  Click here to read the full …

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Posted on September 20th, 2022 in Faculty, Publication, Research by Carrie E. Foote

A recent publication in The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Social Sciences, written by SLA faculty members Kenzie Mintus (Sociology) and Elizabeth Nelson (Medical Humanities and Health Studies) and alumna Monica Deck, was featured on the OUPblog. The research team finds that formerly incarcerated women of color face worse health in later life. Although previous …

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Posted on September 16th, 2022 in Faculty, Media by Carrie E. Foote

IU Indianapolis Sociology Professor Andrew Whitehead was on NBC’s Meet the Press this week as part of a panel discussing the rise of Christian Nationalism in American politics as part of a series on Theocracy Rising.  Professor Whitehead explained, “This idea of a country for the people by the people — it’s really a country …

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head shot dr foote
Posted on September 7th, 2022 by Carrie E. Foote

Dr Carrie Foote, IU Indianapolis Sociology, was among a group of lawmakers and other stakeholders who discussed possible changes to Indiana laws concerning HIV-specific criminal penalties and sentence enhancements during an Indiana General Assembly Legislative Study session on August 30. Doctors, Public Health and Public Defender leaders argued that reforming HIV criminal laws will destigmatize …

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Posted on August 15th, 2022 in Book, Faculty, Publication, Research by Carrie E. Foote

This book, by Professor Cornelis de Waal, engages and explains pragmatism, an approach to knowledge and philosophy that rejects outmoded conceptions of objectivity while avoiding relativism and subjectivism. It follows pragmatism’s focus on the process of inquiry rather than on abstract justifications meant to appease the skeptic. For pragmatists, getting to know the world is …

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head shot dr foote
Posted on July 14th, 2022 by Carrie E. Foote

Dr Carrie Foote in Sociology was interviewed for this article about the first ever Indiana General Assembly summer study session on the state’s criminal laws concerning HIV.  “Current scientific knowledge has resulted in existing laws being outdated, Human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, was first officially reported in the United States in the early 1980s. The …

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