
Category: In-Progress

Posted on April 24th, 2024 in Faculty, In-Progress, Research by Carrie E. Foote

Dr. Ulla Connor, an English Professor at IU Indianapolis, and an interdisciplinary team of healthcare professionals working with the International Center for Intercultural Communication are currently conducting two research projects in the use of a novel, validated communication system, the CoMac Segmentation and Communication System, in health care contexts in the IU Department of Anesthesia …

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Posted on February 17th, 2023 in Announcements, Award, Book, Faculty, Grant, In-Progress, Students by David E. Hoegberg

In December, Jennifer Mahoney and Andy Buchenot, both faculty members in the Department of English at IU Indianapolis, were awarded a $5000 Bridge to the Future grant. Funded through philanthropic donations from the IU Indianapolis Chancellor’s Circle, the grant will support the design, creation, and pilot of an open educational resource (OER) for use in …

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Posted on June 1st, 2022 in In-Progress, Media, Research by Aaron Dusso

Dr. Andrew Whitehead was cited in several prominent national news outlets concerning his ongoing research on white Christian nationalism. Reactions to the recent mass shootings and the Republican primaries has generated a real interest in the intersection between Christian nationalism and ongoing cultural and political cleavages in American society.The AP: Christian nationalism on the rise …

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Posted on March 25th, 2022 in In-Progress, Media by Aaron Dusso

Dr. Carrie Foote was recently interviewed for a story on efforts to end HIV Stigma in Indiana law. Check it out here Carrie E. Foote is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology, IU School of Liberal Arts, IU Indianapolis

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Posted on June 21st, 2021 in In-Progress, Research by Aaron Dusso

Sociology Professor Robert White is the Director of the Irish Republican Movement Collection, an online resource for persons interested in one of the oldest social movements in the world.  He is currently working with digital librarians in the University Library to place online photographs from the files of The Irish People, a weekly newspaper …

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Posted on March 6th, 2021 in Book, In-Progress, Research by Aaron Dusso

by Elizabeth Nelson and Emily Beckman Widely remembered as sites of abuse, isolation, and neglect, many state-run psychiatric hospitals and homes for the disabled were shuttered across the United States in the late 20th century. Indiana’s Central State Hospital (1848-1994) came to a particularly tragic end, after a series of preventable patient deaths in the …

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