
Category: Students

curtis-edward headshot
Posted on June 14th, 2024 in Announcements, Community Engagement, Faculty, Students by Carrie E. Foote

Professor Edward Curtis, newly-appointed director of Arabic Studies program, has announced his three-year plan for the future of the program. Curtis’ goals include the following: Community Engagement. The program will rely on a soon-to-be-announced Community Advisory Board to identify opportunities for mutually-beneficial research, teaching, and service both on and off campus with members of the …

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Professor Beckman
Posted on November 2nd, 2023 in Announcements, Community Engagement, Faculty, Students by Carrie E. Foote

Build Community Give Care (BCGC) is a new non-profit organization created to address health disparities in West and sub-Saharan Africa. The right of all people living with serious illness to be free of avoidable pain and to die with dignity is widely recognized, and palliative care has been declared a universal human right. Relying on …

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Emilio G. Robles
Posted on June 30th, 2023 in Announcements, Community Engagement, Creative Activity, Events, Faculty, Students by Carrie E. Foote

When Emilio G. Robles, Assistant Professor in Applied Theatre and Teaching Artist in the School of Liberal Arts, heard that the Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed National Board was considering bringing its annual conference to Indianapolis, he immediately contacted local affiliates and board members to share what IU Indianapolis (and Indianapolis) could uniquely offer …

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Posted on February 22nd, 2023 in Announcements, Book, Community Engagement, Events, Faculty, Grant, Internships, Publication, Research, Students by David E. Hoegberg

The year 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Frederick Douglass Papers, a research arm of the Institute for American Thought within the IU School of Liberal Arts. The project collects, edits, and publishes the speeches, correspondence, and writings of the iconic African American Frederick Douglass, a runaway Maryland slave who became an …

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Posted on February 20th, 2023 in Announcements, Community Engagement, Creative Activity, Events, Faculty, Media, Students by David E. Hoegberg

The Museum of Broken Relationships Indianapolis is a new exhibit developed as a collaboration between the IU Indianapolis Museum Studies Program, the Museum of Broken Relationships (based in Zagreb, Croatia), and partners around Indianapolis. WISH TV’s Scott Sander interviewed Dr. Laura Holzman, Associate Professor of Museum Studies in the IU School of Liberal Arts at …

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Posted on February 17th, 2023 in Announcements, Award, Book, Faculty, Grant, In-Progress, Students by David E. Hoegberg

In December, Jennifer Mahoney and Andy Buchenot, both faculty members in the Department of English at IU Indianapolis, were awarded a $5000 Bridge to the Future grant. Funded through philanthropic donations from the IU Indianapolis Chancellor’s Circle, the grant will support the design, creation, and pilot of an open educational resource (OER) for use in …

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Posted on February 10th, 2023 in Announcements, Community Engagement, Creative Activity, Events, Faculty, Featured, Students by David E. Hoegberg

The newest exhibit at the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site, Residential to Presidential, explores the history of the house, its residents, and its role as a museum. Starting with its grand opening on January 26, 2023, the exhibit enables visitors to learn about what it takes to make a house a home and what it takes …

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Posted on February 10th, 2023 in Alumni, Announcements, Article, Community Engagement, Faculty, Media, Publication, Student/Alumni, Students by David E. Hoegberg

Throughout his political career Donald Trump has utilized name-calling when referring to his opponents. Scholarly research, however, has yet to examine the effect that this type of incivility has on individuals’ evaluations of both the attacker (i.e., the person using name-calling) and the victim. Aaron Dusso, Associate Professor of Political Science in the IU School of Liberal …

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Holzman headshot
Posted on January 2nd, 2023 in Announcements, Community Engagement, Events, Faculty, Students by David E. Hoegberg

On Monday, December 5, 2022, Dr. Laura Holzman, SLA faculty member in Museum Studies, gave a presentation in the Engaged Art History Event Series on the process of developing and leading a project-based course involving multiple types of partners. In fall 2022, the Museum Studies Program at Indiana University IU Indianapolis launched a collaboration with …

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Posted on December 9th, 2021 in Community Engagement, Events, Students by Aaron Dusso

Dr. Carrie Foote, and students from her School of Liberal Arts Sociology HIV and Society Class, welcomed Dr. William Cooke (Family Foundations Medicine) to IU Indianapolis on November 11 ’21 where he shared his and the towns’ experiences, chronicled in his recently published book, Canary in the Coal Mine: A Forgotten Rural Town, a Hidden …

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