
								Audrey Clarann																 Ricke

Audrey Clarann Ricke

Teaching Professor in Anthropology
(317) 274-2035
Cavanaugh Hall (CA) 410



  • PhD Indiana University, Bloomington
  • MA Wichita State University
  • BA Wichita State University



  • ANTH A104 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
  • ANTH E416 Anthropology of Tourism
  • ANTH E457/E657 Ethnic Identity
  • ANTH E470 Psychological Anthropology
  • INTL-I100 Introduction to International Studies
  • ANTH A412 Anthropology Senior Capstone



Sensory Experience, Tourism, and Identity in Brazil

Ricke, Audrey. 2023. Oktoberfest in Brazil: Domestic Tourism, Sensescapes, and German Brazilian Identity. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.

Ricke, Audrey. 2018. “Producing the Middle Class: Domestic Tourism, Ethnic Roots, and Class Routes in Brazil.” Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 23(2):281-300.

Ricke, Audrey. 2017. “Making ‘Sense’ of Identity: Ethnicity, Nationalism, and the Sensory Experience of German Traditions in Brazil.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 46(2): 173-202.


Ricke, Audrey. 2019. “Mapping Assessment in Anthropology: Using Team-Based Qualitative Methodology to Create Learning Objectives and Evaluate Outcomes.” Annals of Anthropological Practice 43(2):53-71.

Ricke, Audrey. 2018. “Making Anthropology Relevant: Collaborative Assessment in Support of Graduate and Undergraduate Success Beyond the University.” Annals of Anthropological Practice 42(2):53-67.

Community-Engaged Learning

Ricke, A. 2021. Applying Students’ Perspectives on Different Teaching Strategies: A Holistic View of Service-Learning Community Engagement. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 27(2):21-44.

Ricke, Audrey. 2018. “Finding the Right Fit: Helping Students Apply Theory to Service-Learning Contexts.” Journal of Experiential Education 41(1):8-22.

Digital Technology and Teaching

Ricke, Audrey. 2024. “Resilience, Confidence-Building, and Performance: What a Case Study of Adaptive Digital Learning Can Tell Us.” Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 24(4):174-193.

Ricke, A. 2021. Pivoting to Virtual Reality, Fostering Holistic Perspectives: How to Create Anthropological 360° Video Exercises and Lectures. Teaching and Learning Anthropology Journal 4(1):97-103.

Ricke, A. 2019. “Enhancing Classroom Interaction: The integration of image-sharing projection software in social science and humanities classrooms.” Interactive Learning Environments 1-17.

Virtual International Exchange (COIL)

Ricke, Audrey. 2021. Active-Listening Activity. The Convenience Store: Grab and Go Teaching Materials. IU Pressbook and Institute for Engaged Learning.

Teaching & Learning Guides

Kryder-Reid, Elizabeth, Audrey Ricke, and Laura Holzman. 2024. Teaching Toxic Heritage. IU Pressbook.

Ricke, Audrey. 2023. Teaching and Learning Guide: Oktoberfest in Brazil: Domestic Tourism, Sensescapes, and German Brazilian Identity. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press. Teaching and Learning Guide tab



  • IUPUI School of Liberal Arts Outstanding Lecturer Award (2022)
  • IUPUI Barbara D. Jackson Outstanding First-Year Student Advocate Award (2020)
  • IUPUI School of Liberal Arts Trustee Teaching Award (2019)
  • IUPUI Division of Undergraduate Education Sarah Baker High Impact Teaching Award (2019)
  • IUPUI Athletes Favorite Professor Recognition (2019)
  • World Refugee Day Award Recipient – Catholic Charities Indianapolis Refugee & Immigrant Services (2019)

Academic Interests

Academic Interests

  • sensory experience, identity negotiation (e.g. ethnicity and transnationalism), German cultural heritage, Brazil, tourism, performance (e.g. dance), experiential learning, teaching Anthropology, digital learning tools, learning spaces, virtual international exchanges (COIL), virtual reality, community-engaged and service learning, assessment