
School of Liberal Arts1
Posted on August 15th, 2016 in Bulletin by David Spiech

To Porter Garnett San Francisco, California. August 15, 1911 I am struck in California by the deep and almost religious affection which people have for nature, and by the sensitiveness they show to its influences; not merely poetically, but also athletically, because they like to live as nature lives. It is a relief from business …

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School of Liberal Arts2
Posted on August 4th, 2016 in Bulletin by David Spiech

To Charles Augustus Strong Paris. Aug. 4, 1912 I have been reading the last volume of the Bible (the Epistles & Apocalypse) in your modern edition. I long for notes; but even half understood the stuff is extraordinary. What could be more remote from polite religion than this palpitating, eschatological, revolutionary delusion? And what fisticuffs—controversial …

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