Editor’s Blog

Posted on February 16th, 2024 in by Prabakaran Jayaraman

The Society shall have at least three members on its executive committee. This shall be a President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer, in the order of seniority. Members of the executive committee will be identified on the Society’s website.

The President, Vice President and the Secretary-Treasurer will be elected at the appropriate annual business meeting of the Society by a simple majority of members present and voting. Each office shall be held for two years, renewable. Terms of office for newly elected officers begin with adjournment of the meeting of their election, and terminate at adjournment of the last business meeting of their term.

The next senior officer shall automatically fill a vacancy occurring in the Presidency. A member appointed by the President and confirmed by a majority vote of the Executive Committee shall fill such a vacancy in any other elected office.

The President shall be the senior officer and will be responsible for the general administration of the affairs of the Society. The President shall preside over all business meetings of the Society or its Executive Committee.

The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President whenever the latter, for any reason, is unable to fulfill them. The Vice President shall be the parliamentarian of the Society in the absence of the Secretary-Treasurer.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a current list of members of the Society for the purpose of officially establishing membership status when required for any reason. The Secretary-Treasurer will make a record of both program and business meetings of the Society and will see to it that these records are promptly recorded in the Society’s minutes. The Secretary-Treasurer will be in charge of managing and certifying the results of all ballots of the Society, either at meetings or by mail or email. The Secretary-Treasurer will be the parliamentarian of the Society. The Secretary-Treasurer will be responsible for receiving and depositing all funds incoming to the Society, including all membership dues or other monies paid the Society for any purpose whatsoever. The Society’s treasury shall be maintained in an interest-bearing bank account in the name of the Society. The Secretary-Treasurer will also execute all payments and disbursements from the treasury when such are authorized by the Executive Committee or the Society at large. The Secretary-Treasurer will keep a written record of all financial activities pertinent to the treasury of the Society and will give a financial report at the Society’s annual business meeting. The report will be promptly recorded in the Society’s minutes. These minutes shall be published on the Society’s website.