Editor’s Blog

Posted on February 8th, 2017 in Bulletin, NEWS by David Spiech

Dear Friends of the George Santayana Society,

Overhead in Seville: the Bulletin of George Santayana Society has published every fall since 1983. This year’s issue will mark thirty five years of publication. We also encourage the submission of articles and other works for both this year (2017) and next (2018). Critical and historical essays on Santayana’s life and works are of course always welcome. We also encourage short feuilleton-style pieces that suggest an idea or tell an anecdote of Santayana’s life or that of his contemporaries, antecedents, or followers. We will entertain creative pieces that use Santayana’s life or work as a starting point. We are also looking for original philosophic inquiry that is based on some theme important in Santayana’s work. In that vein, we are looking to promote lectures and essays on the relationship between metaphysics and politics.

Whether you have a developed work that has not yet seen the light of print or an idea that is only in the early stages, please call or write me. The deadline for new material for this year is March 1, 2017. If you have trouble with that deadline, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

All submissions will receive conscientious peer review and editing.  Please see the Submission Guidelines for more information.

Richard M Rubin
President, George Santayana Society