Editor’s Blog

Posted on February 10th, 2017 in NEWS by David Spiech

Dear Friends of the George Santayana Society,

At the George Santayana Society’s annual meeting on January 6, 2017 in Baltimore, the members approved annual dues of $15 for a basic members and $30 for a printed version of Overheard in Seville. We are glad to call attention to our recently acquired status as a non-profit (501c3) corporation, which makes dues and donations tax deductible. We have a variety of exciting plans that include bringing speakers from overseas. Donations and dues will be used to support plans and projects that ensure that Santayana will enjoy a prominent place in the profession for years to come. A principal purpose of Society dues and donations is to continue funding the Angus Kerr-Lawson prize (discussed in the third letter in this series), which was started with seed money from the estate of Professor Kerr-Lawson.

The primary means of donating will be through an Internet PayPal connection, where you can use either a credit card or your own PayPal account. We are planning several revisions to the web pages of the Society currently hosted by the Santayana Edition. The donation page will be available there. The new pages should be available in several weeks and we’ll send out a notice when they are ready. Electronic payments will be preferred, but checks may be made to the George Santayana Society and mailed to Diana Heney at Department of Philosophy, Fordham University, 441 E. Fordham Road, Bronx, NY 10458. If you have been accustomed to sending payment to the Santayana Edition in order to receive a printed copy of Overheard in Seville, the Society and the Edition will continue to accept such payments at least for the coming year.

The co-ordination of George Santayana Society fundraising with that of the Santayana Edition is under discussion.

Richard M Rubin
President, George Santayana Society