Alumni & Giving

Support the Program in Spanish

We appreciate the generous support of our alumni, parents, students, and friends of the Spanish Program. Your gifts enhance our Program in so many ways, from student aid opportunities to special events to new projects and more.

To support the Spanish Program, select Hispanofila Fund and the Nancy Newton Study Abroad Scholarship in the giving menu after you click on the link below.

Give now to the Program in Spanish

Making an online gift through the IU Foundation’s online giving portal, called MyIU, is quick, easy, and secure. You can make a one-time, multi-payment, or recurring gift. The dropdown box will enable you to select the gift account that supports Spanish.

Why I Give?

Nancy Newton“After joining the faculty of the School of Liberal Arts in 1973, I soon came to appreciate the life experience, seriousness of purpose, and intellectual strengths of many of the students attending our urban university, and I learned a great deal from them. IUI’s students often balance studies, work and parenting, and they bring maturity to their classrooms.

As a professor of Spanish at an inland campus located in the middle of our continent, I was aware of the need for perspective and a quality of experiential learning that are attainable only through study abroad. Over the course of my teaching career, I directed a year-long program in Madrid and a number of summer programs in Salamanca, Spain. From those experiences, I can bear witness to the growth in awareness and understanding — the gift of perspective! — that time spent living and studying abroad often engenders. The changes can be transformative in the best sense.

Yet, IUI’s students are unable to undertake study abroad without financial assistance. Given the opportunity, though, their experience will in turn richly benefit the quality of life and learning in our Midwestern state. These are the reasons I support a scholarship for study abroad expressly for them.”

— Nancy Newton, Ph.D., Emerita Professor of Spanish

Stay Engaged with the Spanish Program

Locally, nationally, or internationally, you can stay engaged with the Spanish Program in these ways:

  • Host interns at your workplace
  • Mentor students
  • Follow us on social media
  • Attend Spanish events
  • Write for our Español para todos blog
  • Share your expertise
  • Be a guest speaker
  • Help build our Spanish alumni network
  • Provide a quote or success story for our website, signage, videos, etc.
  • Got a project idea? Let us know!

Know alumni who are doing great work and/or service in their career? Nominate them for an Alumni Award.

Contact us to let us know how you would like to be engaged!