Placement Testing

All IU Indianapolis students who have previously taken a world language in high school or have previous experience in that language are eligible to take a World Language Placement Test. The online test is currently administered in French, German, or Spanish. Placement testing helps students move into a more advanced class, depending upon their results.

The remote online placement test is available by logging in at the Testing Center with a valid student ID. Please note that the tests were designed for use on a PC or Mac computer, not mobile devices.

Test scores on the World Language Placement Test indicate into which IU Indianapolis course or course level students are qualified to enroll. Students are strongly advised to sign up for the course or course level into which they place.

Placement Test Score     Course to take
250 or below                        SPAN-S131
251-340                               SPAN-S132
341-390                               SPAN-S203
391-469                               SPAN-S204
470 or higher                       In any 300-level class

World Languages Credits by Credential (“Special Credits”)

Students who place into a course above the first semester of first year (either by placement testing or upon the advice of a Program Director or Coordinator) and complete that course with a final grade of “C” or higher may obtain special credits at a low fee (generally around $20 per credit hour) for the world language courses preceding the course taken at IU Indianapolis.

Example: After completing Spanish SPAN-S132 (4 credit hours), students may take special credits for SPAN-S131 (4 credit hours). After completing SPAN-S204, students may take 8 credits for the 100-level, as well as SPAN-S203. You may take a maximum of 14 credit hours in Special Credit courses.

Students must initiate the process after course completion by completing the WLAC Special Credit Request Form. Special Credits are not awarded automatically.

Special Credit for Native Speakers

Native speakers are allowed to obtain up to 6 credit hours of special credit at the 200-level but may not take 100-level courses in their own language.

A native speaker of the language is defined as a student who has attended a high school in the language for which credit is sought. Native speakers may apply for second- or third-year special credit with the permission of their Program Director. Spanish native speakers must take SPAN-S318 to qualify for 200-level special credits.

If you have not taken Spanish before, start with SPAN-S131.

If you have taken Spanish before, but have not taken an Advanced Placement (AP) or College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) test for Spanish, you should first take the placement test to see what course level you should start.

More Info

If you need assistance or additional information about placement exams, please contact Testing Center (317) 278-2288.