Sports Journalism Blog

Posted on November 17th, 2020 in Featured by Emily Turnier
DavidSong blog featured image

David Song, an M.A. in Sports Journalism student, was recently named a member of the Sports Journalism Institute, a program that strives to help women and minorities get into newsrooms, for 2020. Song will intern at USA Today Sports this fall.

“When Professor Malcolm Moran recommended I apply for SJI, I assumed I wouldn’t make it,” said Song, who is an international student from Canada. “How could I match up against students who have covered American college sports for multiple years, who have been editors, photographers, podcasters and writers? I didn’t have any of those experiences, and thus I was shocked when I was accepted into SJI. I was so surprised that I took a few days processing the news before I informed my friends and family.”

Song will put his Master’s studies on hold for the fall semester while he completes his internship. “I’m not sure what exactly I will be covering, and given COVID-19, interns may be required to cover anything our editors need us to,” he said. “I am slated to go to Washington, D.C., and intern in person come September, and that of course is the experience I hope to have. But we’ll have to see what happens.”

Song said his goals for the internship are simple.

“I hope to gain meaningful experiences and develop my sports journalism skills in new and rewarding ways,” he said. “Whatever that looks like, I’ll strive to put my best foot forward.”