Sports Journalism Blog

Anthony Walker could be the first Northwestern football player to leave school early for the NFL in 20 years. Joan Niesen of Sports Illustrated chronicles Walker’s difficult journey to this point.

Marcus Thompson II from the Mercury News writes about a 15-year-old girl’s fight to return to the water-polo pool and a normal life after a life-threatening snake bite.

Sam Wyche, a former Cincinnati Bengals coach and NFL innovator, talks with NBC Sports about his life-saving heart transplant and what he’s doing with his miraculous second chance.

Steve Kerr reflects on his childhood and the assassination of his father in 1984. Kerr’s background helps explain his worldly views and willingness to make political statements.

Rose Bowl officials don’t maintain an official count, but Jim Hardy, a former USC quarterback, is believed to hold the record for the longest attendance streak at the Pasadena classic. Hardy will soon attend his 85th consecutive Rose Bowl.

Gary Santaniello looks back at Bob Johnson’s collegiate and professional hockey coaching career and it’s lingering effects, 25 years after his death.

David Wharton writes about interim college football coaches and the challenges they face during bowl season.

Shannon Ryan of the Chicago Tribune speaks with Joe Ruklick. Ruklick, a self-described “walking footnote”, recalls making the final assist in Wilt Chamberlain’s 100-point game.