
Associate Professor Xin Zhang
Posted on December 8th, 2023 in Award, Book, Faculty by Carrie E. Foote

Dr. Xin Zhang has won the Academic Excellence Book Award from the Chinese Historians in the U.S. Organization for his recent Monograph: The Global in the Local: A Century of War, Commerce, and Technology in China. The review committee made the following comments: “…your monograph is an ambitious work which skillfully remakes a new history …

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head Shot
Posted on November 25th, 2023 in Award, Faculty, Publication, Research by Carrie E. Foote

A recently published chapter by Professor Kenzie Mintus, coauthored with Scott D. Landes at Syracuse University, has won the Best Chapter Award in Volume 14 of Research in Social Science and Disability (Emerald Publishing). The chapter is entitled “Integrating the Social and Political Dimensions of Disability into Life Course Theory.” Recipients of the Editor’s choice …

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Pciture of Dr Bjork
Posted on November 14th, 2023 by Carrie E. Foote

IU Indianapolis Journalism Professor Jonas Bjork recent insightful article published in Swedish-American Historical Quarterly discussing how SE, a Swedish magazine with a primarily working-class audience, covered race relations in the U.S. during the civil-rights era. Coming from an ethnically homogeneous country, the magazine’s reporters struggled at times with conveying the issues facing African-Americans to their …

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Posted on November 13th, 2023 in Book, Faculty, Publication by Carrie E. Foote

Estela Ene, English Professor, IU Indianapolis, is one of several editors on this important new book . EFL Writing Teacher Education and Professional Development: Voices from Under-represented Contexts. Multilingual Matters. The collection explores how EFL writing teacher education is shaped, given teachers’ unique local contexts and circumstances. The chapters prioritize local voices and materials to …

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Pciture of Dr Bjork
Posted on November 8th, 2023 in Article, Publication by Carrie E. Foote

Professor Jonas Bjork publishes informative research findings discussing how publishers of two prominent New York newspapers viewed the role of foreign correspondence in the late 1840s, a time when innovations such as the telegraph and the steamship were revolutionizing the way news was gathered and transmitted.  Published in the prestigous American Journalism, click here to …

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Posted on November 4th, 2023 in Announcements, Award, Faculty by Carrie E. Foote

Congratulations to Professor Richard Steinberg for receiving a life time achievement award, granted annually by ARNOVA (Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action). The Distinguished Achievement and Leadership Award is given for significant and sustained contributions to the field through leadership as a researcher or practitioner. Nominees must have demonstrated outstanding achievement(s) as …

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Professor Beckman
Posted on November 2nd, 2023 in Announcements, Community Engagement, Faculty, Students by Carrie E. Foote

Build Community Give Care (BCGC) is a new non-profit organization created to address health disparities in West and sub-Saharan Africa. The right of all people living with serious illness to be free of avoidable pain and to die with dignity is widely recognized, and palliative care has been declared a universal human right. Relying on …

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Posted on September 29th, 2023 in Award, Faculty, Research by Carrie E. Foote

Professor Andrew Whitehead is among Eight IU Indianapolis researchers, with current projects such as improving the quality of care for older adults and better understanding the role of Christian nationalism in the U.S., honored as 2023 Research Frontiers Trailblazers. This prestigous annual award from the Indianapolis campus’s Vice Chancellor for Research recognizes associate professors in …

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Posted on August 25th, 2023 in Announcements, Grant, Research by Andrew L. Whitehead

The IU School of Liberal Arts and IU Indianapolis just announced that Professor Brian Steensland, who serves as Chair of the Sociology Department, was awarded a $1.2 million grant from Lilly Endowment, Inc. in order to study “the hopes, challenges, and experiences of parents in the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis in passing on their religious …

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