Meet the Team

  • Dr. Jason Aukerman
    Director of the Center for Ray Bradbury Studies
    Clinical Assistant Professor in English

    Dr. Jason Aukerman (PhD, MA, MBA) is a Clinical Assistant Professor of American Studies and English at Indiana University Indianapolis where he also serves as the Director of the Ray Bradbury Center. His research interests include Ray Bradbury, the war fiction of United States veteran authors, 20th Century American genre fiction (primarily Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror), and adult literacy advancement. At IU Indianapolis, Dr. Aukerman teaches courses on American Supernatural, Conspiracy Theories, Banned Books, Science Fiction, and introductory literature courses.

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  • Carrie Cooper
    Assistant Director of the Center for Ray Bradbury Studies
    Doctoral Student – American Studies – IU Indianapolis
  • Nancy Orem
    Volunteer Archivist
    Retired IT Project Manager (read: herder of cats) turned volunteer archivist, Nancy gets to organize and catalog all the things. A gifted pen thief and English Muffin splitter, she can occasionally keep track of her eye glasses for up to 20 minutes at a time. Nancy is a former avid collector of owls and she is begging you to not get her any more.
  • Volunteer Educator

    Max Goller is a volunteer focused on promoting the Ray Bradbury Center in educational settings. He is twice retired, first from the United States Navy in 2001 and then from teaching middle school English in the Hamilton Southeastern School District in 2019. He also worked as the part-time Director of Education at the Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library from 2011-2020. In addition to his volunteer work with the Ray Bradbury Center, he serves on the board of the Charles Bruce Foundation in Carlisle, PA.


    When not volunteering, he enjoys reading (surprising for someone who has worked with organizations in Indianapolis dedicated to two of the biggest names in literature, right?), traveling to obscure locations guided by Atlas Obscura, and listening to music both live and recorded. 


  • Kylie Adkins, BS, MA
    Volunteer Newsletter & Website Editor

    When she’s not slinging dice in Dungeons & Dragons, Kylie can be found slinging books at her local branch of the Indy Public Library. She earned her Bachelor’s Degrees in Foreign Language and English Literature from Indiana State University before completing her Master’s in English Literature at IU Indianapolis. While anticipating her Library Science program to start, she can be found watching and overanalyzing horror movies or out attempting to prove Bigfoot’s existence (and finding a cool bird or two while at it).

  • Jonathan R. Eller
    Founding Director of the Center for Ray Bradbury Studies
    Chancellor’s Professor of English
    Adjunct Professor of American Studies
    General Editor of The New Ray Bradbury Review
    General Editor of The Collected Stories of Ray Bradbury
    Advising Textual Editor of the Santayana Edition
    Senior Textual Editor in the Institute for American Thought

    Jonathan R. Eller (B.S., United States Air Force Academy, 1973; B.A., University of Maryland, 1979; M.A. (1981), Ph.D. (1985), Indiana University) is an Emeritus Chancellor’s Professor of English, and retired co-founder of the Center for Ray Bradbury Studies, a research component of Indiana University’s School of Liberal Arts in Indianapolis. He co-founded the Bradbury Center within the Institute for American Thought in 2007 and served as the Center’s director from August 2011 until his retirement from Indiana University in early 2021. Eller edited and established the texts for the three-volume Collected Stories of Ray Bradbury series and served as general editor for volumes 2 and 3. He was general editor for issues 4, 5, and 6 of The New Ray Bradbury Review.

    Eller’s friendship and working relationship with Ray Bradbury began in the late 1980s. In 1993 he retired from a twenty-year Air Force career and joined the IU School of Liberal Arts faculty; his military service included operational assignments with the Tactical Air Command, the Military Airlift Command, and the Pacific Air Forces before duty as an English professor at both the U.S. Air Force Academy (Colorado Springs) and the U. S. Naval Academy (Annapolis). Since 2000 Eller has edited or co-edited several limited press editions of Ray Bradbury’s fiction, including The Halloween Tree (2005), Dandelion Wine (2007), and two collections of stories related to Bradbury’s publication of Fahrenheit 451 in 1953: Match to Flame (2006) and A Pleasure to Burn (2010). Since 2013 he has prefaced and prepared new historical sections for Simon & Schuster’s 60th anniversary edition of Fahrenheit 451 and for the latest Simon & Schuster edition of Something Wicked This Way Comes.

    His most recent books include the biographical trilogy Becoming Ray Bradbury (2011), Ray Bradbury Unbound (2014), and Bradbury Beyond Apollo (2020). Four of Professor Eller’s books on Bradbury have been LOCUS award finalists for best nonfiction title in the science fiction and fantasy field; in 2021 Bradbury Beyond Apollo was selected as a Choice Outstanding Academic Title by the American Library Association.

    Since retiring from Indiana University, Eller has prepared and edited a two-volume set of Bradbury’s fiction for the Library of America’s extensive series of American literary classics: Novels & Story Cycles (2021) and a collection of his short fiction containing The Illustrated Man, The October Country, and selected stories (fall 2022).