Partial Bibliography
Listed in order of publication. Publishers omitted due to frequent reissuing. Single story books are omitted.
Source: The Life of Fiction (The Kent State University Press, 2004).
Novels and Story Collections
- Dark Carnival (1947)
- The Martian Chronicles (1950)

- The Silver Locusts (1950)
- The Illustrated Man (1951)
- Fahrenheit 451 (1953)
- The Golden Apples of the Sun (1953)
- Switch on the Night (1955)
- The October Country (1955)
- Dandelion Wine (1957)
- A Medicine for Melancholy (1959)
- The Day It Rained Forever (1959)
- The Day It Rained Forever (1959)
- R Is for Rocket (1962)
- Something Wicked This Way Comes (1962)
- The Small Assassin (1962)
- The Machineries of Joy (1964)
- The Vintage Bradbury (1965)
- S Is for Space (1966)
- Twice 22 (1966)
- I Sing the Body Electric! (1969)
- Six Masterpieces of Tomorrow (1969)
- The Halloween Tree (1972)
- Ray Bradbury (1975)
- Long After Midnight (1976)

- The Best of Bradbury (1976)
- The Best of Ray Bradbury (1977)
- The Mummies of Guanajuato (1978)
- To Sing Strange Songs (1979)
- The Stories of Ray Bradbury (1980)
- Dinosaur Tales (1983)
- A Memory of Murder (1984)
- Death is a Lonely Business (1985)
- Ray Bradbury (1987)
- The Toynbee Convector (1988)
- A Graveyard for Lunatics (1990)
- Classic Stories 1 (1990)
- Classic Stories 2 (1990)
- Green Shadows, White Whale (1992)
- Quicker Than the Eye (1996)
- Driving Blind (1997)
- The Golden Apples of the Sun and Other Stories (1997)
- A Medicine for Melancholy and Other Stories (1998)
- Ahmed and the Oblivion Machines (1998)
- I Sing the Body Electric and Other Stories (1998)
- From the Dust Returned (2001)
- Let’s All Kill Constance (2002)
- One More for the Road (2002)
- Bradbury Stories (2003)
- 1973 When Elephants Last in the Dooryard Bloomed
- 1977 Where Robot Mice and Robot Men Run Round in Robot Towns
- 1979 This Attic Where the Meadows Green
- 1981 The Haunted Computer and the Android Pope
- 1982 The Complete Poems of Ray Bradbury
- 1987 Death Has Lost Its Charm For Me
- 2001 They Have Not Seen the Stars
- 2002 I Live by the Invisible
- The Anthem Sprinters and Other Antics (1963)
- The Day It Rained Forever—A Comedy in One Act (1966)
- The Pedestrian—A Fantasy in One Act (1966)
- The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit and Other Plays (1972)
- Pillar of Fire and Other Plays (1975)
- The Martian Chronicles (1986)
- The Flying Machine (1986)
- The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit (1986)
- Kaleidoscope (1986)
- A Device Out of Time (1986)
- Fahrenheit 451 (1986)
- Dandelion Wine (1988)
- To the Chicago Abyss (1988)
- The Veldt (1988)
- Falling Upward (1989)
- The Day It Rained Forever (1990)
- Ray Bradbury on Stage (1991)
- Forever and the Earth (1984)