Community Engaged Undergraduate Research

Community Engaged Undergraduate Research involves both graduate and undergraduate researchers through several community-engaged research programs.

Olaniyan Scholars Program

The Center for Africana Studies and Culture works with the Olaniyan Scholars Program to promote the development of community-engaged undergraduate research focused on Black populations across disciplines. This program also engages high school-aged youth to participate in summer camp research experiences that introduce them to research and how it can benefit populations of color. Olaniyan projects are based on participatory social justice research-based in community need, such as a recent project that studied how COVID-19 has affected Black communities.

One of the projects in which the Olaniyan Scholars have engaged is the Echo’s in the Black Atlantic Digital Humanities Project. The project utilizes autoethnography to engage students in “mapping” their proximity to the lasting effects of enslavement and colonialism. The use of scholarly research and interactive opportunities for discourse will guide the student researcher’s interpretation and analysis of the context of slavery in the building of global institutions, economies, policies, and social structures that uphold white supremacy. The core focus of the project will be framed in explorations that do not privilege a proximity to whiteness, but a center of an Afrocentric consciousness of remembrance that confronts empire as a paramount theme. The student researchers are tracing the routes of the slave trade and their connections to its residual effects through the lens of interdisciplinary themes that relate to and center the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS).

Bundles Scholars

Each year, two Africana Studies students will be selected as Bundles Scholars and will engage in scholarly research of Black issues with mentorship from Bundles and other Africana Studies faculty.

The Bundles Scholars program, named for the inaugural prestigious fellow, A’Lelia Bundles, was announced in February 2022. Watch for more information to come on the Scholars and their research.

Through Their Eyes Scholars Program

The Through Their Eyes Scholars Program, which provides educational and research opportunities for Black and Native and Indigenous youth, is based on an effort to honor the displacement of Black and Indigenous populations who occupied the lands on which the Indiana University Indianapolis campus now stands.

Heritage and Humanities Scholars Program

The Heritage and Humanities Scholars Program, which promotes community-engaged graduate and undergraduate research, creates and establishes knowledge bases for real estate and city developers working within areas significant to Black cultural heritage and history.

Institute for the Study of Undergraduate Researchers of Color (ISURC)

World Afro DayThe Institute for the Study of Undergraduate Researchers of Color (ISURC) serves as a national organization that promotes greater access and participation of underserved student populations of color in community-engaged undergraduate research programs and experiences.

One of its most important mandates is to promote the development of knowledge, scholarship, and practices focused on supporting and mentoring students of color who participate in undergraduate research programs toward academic and professional success. This is achieved through engaging and collaborating with community experts and groups, who guide student research endeavors and the products generated through faculty-directed undergraduate research projects.

The ISURC also has a mandate to prioritize establishing culturally inclusive campus environments and/or sanctuary spaces in which minoritized students of color, who often feel alienated on predominantly white college and university campuses (PWIs), feel more welcome. Understanding how to better create Culturally Inclusive Sanctuary Spaces (CISS) increases the university’s ability to enable all students to be better integrated and to feel valued as they develop a sense of belonging conducive to academic success.

Through the work of the Institute, knowledge and scholarship focused specifically on minoritized and underserved student populations and communities is broadened and recentered to promote the expansion of access, equity, and diversity within universities and colleges through community-engaged undergraduate research and mentoring programs and practices. The Institute also pursues scholarship and praxis focused on the importance of culturally relevant and inclusive practices in mentoring and undergraduate programming, curriculums, and activities to develop training programs for community members, faculty, staff, and graduate students.

The Institute works to achieve these goals through concentrating its efforts in key areas:

  1. Targeted Populations: Promoting the study and practice of community-engaged undergraduate research as it applies to underrepresented, minoritized populations of color within the community for students at the college and high school levels.
  2. Dissemination: Establishing a journal, publications, scholarly work, a conference, and other networks of knowledge and resources available to faculty, staff, administrators, and community experts/groups who work with undergraduate researchers of color to aid in the development and implementation of best practices and expanded attention and resources devoted to the necessary adjustments and culturally relevant and intensive programming necessary to more fully support the success of students of color through serving their communities.
  3. Equity and Access: Expanding undergraduate research participation opportunities and experiences for underserved and minoritized students, especially those from Black, Latinx, and Native and Indigenous student populations.
  4. Establishing Culturally Inclusive Mentoring, Support, and Spaces: Increasing and disseminating scholarly work and data focused on how best to mentor, support, and advocate for students of color involved in these programs through the establishment of Culturally Inclusive Sanctuary Spaces, especially as applied to students at predominantly white colleges and universities, with the goal of ensuring inclusion and equity within undergraduate research programs and practices.
  5. Increasing Impactful Community Engagement: Establishing community collaborations that will serve as the foundation for community-engaged undergraduate research projects, as well as pipelines for high school students of color participating and transitioning into college-level research and academic work.
  6. Increasing Funding Resources: Establishing fellowships and grants to promote scholarly/applied research work conducted by faculty, staff, and administrators working with or focused on undergraduate researchers of color.
  7. Increasing and Optimizing Undergraduate Funding Resources for Students of Color: Augmenting the university’s ability to support more students of color engaged in research at higher funding amounts.
  8. Study Abroad, Away, and Exchange Programs that Promote Community-Engaged Undergraduate Research: Establishing off-campus and international study opportunities that allow students to practice and expand their undergraduate research skills in various settings.

These goals are achieved with attention to balancing STEM and humanities undergraduate research programs, activities, curriculums, and initiatives wherever possible to provide students with the broadest range of possibilities, opportunities, and participation in mentoring relationships and research projects and initiatives.

The ISURC promotes community-engaged undergraduate research by partnering with the IU Indianapolis Office of Community Engagement, the Center for Service and Learning, the School of Education, the Institute for Engaged Learning, and the professional schools around IU Indianapolis campus wherever appropriate.

The ISURC is affiliated with the Center for Africana Studies and Culture but functions as an independent entity. As such, the Institute has its own executive director, associate director, assistant coordinator, administrative support staff, budget, programming, curriculums, initiatives, and advisory board. The Director of the Center for Africana Studies and Culture serves on this board. The Executive Director of the Institute reports to the Dean of the School of Liberal Arts.

Additionally, Institute initiatives are coordinated with the Africana Studies Program and the Center for Africana Studies and Culture, allowing for enriching synergies and collaborations.

Dr. Ronda C. Henry Anthony serves as Executive Director of the Institute for the Study of Undergraduate Researchers of Color. She maintains her role as Executive and Founding Director of the Olaniyan Scholars Program. Dr. Patricia Jordan Turley serves as Associate Director of the Institute and the Olaniyan Scholars Program.

More Info

Contact Les Etienne, Founding Executive Director of CASC.