MA in Bioethics

A deep partnership with the IU Center for Bioethics

The bioethics program was developed in collaboration with the Indiana University Center for Bioethics. Bioethics is a rapidly growing field that requires educated and trained theorists and practitioners. Since IU Indianapolis is home to one of the nation’s largest health-profession complexes, it is well-placed to play a leading role in the academic training of such individuals.

Course Requirements

You are expected to have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university, or its equivalent, with a grade point average of at least 3.0 overall (on a scale of 4) and at least 3.0 in the major GPA. There is no specific major requirement, but applicants must show a record of coursework (or equivalent experience) demonstrating that they are sufficiently prepared to do graduate work in philosophy. Acceptable coursework includes an undergraduate degree in philosophy.

Core Courses

Philosophy Core (6 cr. required)

  • Required foundational course (3 cr.)
    • PHIL-P 540: Contemporary Ethical Theories (3 cr.)
  • Core electives (3 cr. required)
    • PHIL-P 514: Pragmatism (3 cr.)
    • PHIL-P 515: Medieval Philosophy (3 cr.)
    • PHIL-P 522: Topics in the History of Modern Philosophy (3 cr.)
    • PHIL-P 536: Topics in the History of Contemporary Philosophy (3 cr.)
    • PHIL-P 543: Contemporary Social and Political Philosophy (3 cr.)
    • PHIL-P 553: Philosophy of Science (3 cr.)
    • PHIL-P 558: Classical American Philosophy (3 cr.)
    • PHIL-P 560: Metaphysics (3 cr.)
    • PHIL-P 562: Theory of Knowledge (3 cr.)

Concentration-specific Courses (18 cr. required)

  1. Required foundational course (3 cr.)
    • PHIL-P 547: Foundations of Bioethics (3 cr.)
  2. Concentration-specific electives (15 cr. required)

2a. Areas of central importance (5 cr. required)

      • PHIL-P 548: Clinical Ethics Practicum (3 cr.)
      • LAW-DN 838: Bioethics and Law (2 cr.)
      • MHHS-M 504: Introduction to Research Ethics (3 cr.)

2b. Specialized electives (9 cr. required)

      • ANTH-E 445: Medical Anthropology (3 cr.)
      • COMM-C 510: Health Provider-Consumer Communication (3 cr.)
      • HIST-H 546: History of Medicine (3 cr.)
      • LAW-DN 761: Law and Public Health (2 cr.)
      • LAW-DN 845: Financing and Regulating Health Care (3 cr.)
      • NURS-N 534: Ethical and Legal Perspectives in Advanced Nursing Practice (2 cr.)
      • PHIL-P 549: Bioethics and Pragmatism (3 cr.)
      • PHIL-P 555: Ethical and Policy Issues in International Research (3 cr.)
      • PHIL-P 600: Topics in Philosophy (3 cr.) [When content is track-specific]
      • PHIL-P 696: Topics in Biomedical Ethics (3 cr.)
      • PHIL-P 730: Seminar in Contemporary Philosophy (3 cr.) [When content is track-specific]
      • SOC-R 515: Sociology of Health and Illness (3 cr.)
      • SOC-S 560: Topics: Death and Dying (3 cr.)

Thesis Option

  • PHIL-P 803: Master’s Thesis in Philosophy (6 cr.)
  • Instead of a thesis, you may opt to complete a research project under the guidance of an appropriate faculty committee. Examples of admissible research projects: research that leads to a paper of sufficient length and quality to be considered for publication in a peer-reviewed journal; a comprehensive briefing paper for a legislative hearing; and analysis of a hospital, institutional, or research policy.
  • Instead of the above, students may also opt for six credits of general electives, i.e., any graduate-level philosophy course offered by the Philosophy Department that falls within the General M.A. Curriculum or the Bioethics Concentration Curriculum.


No course with a grade lower than a B (3.0) will count toward this degree.

Admission Requirements:

  1. Graduate School Application form (contact with subject line PHIL for a fee waiver code)
  2. Three Letters of Recommendation
  3. Statement of Purpose
  4. GRE Scores*
  5. TOEFL Scores (non-native English speakers only)
  6. Official Transcripts (required from all institutions attended or currently attending)
  7. Writing Sample

For more information contact:

Graduate Program Director & Advisor, Professor Chad Carmichael,