Legal Studies Minor

Prepare for a career or interest in the law and its relationship to society

The Department of Political Science offers a minor in Legal Studies, a multi-disciplinary program designed for undergraduate students interested in the study of law and legal institutions, and in the relationship of law to other aspects of society and culture.

The Legal Studies Minor is not part of the Paralegal Studies program and is not a minor approved by the American Bar Association. For more information about our ABA-approved paralegal program, please email Professor Shana Stump, director of paralegal studies program.

Any student in any school at IU Indianapolis can complete and receive the Minor in Legal Studies. Even though Legal Studies is a Liberal Arts minor, you do not have to be a Liberal Arts major to receive it.

Another popular major for our Prelaw students is Law in Liberal Arts.  This Major allows you to begin taking law based classes as an undergraduate student.  More information about our Law in Liberal Arts program is available here. More details on the legal studies minor’s required courses can be found in the IU Indianapolis Campus Bulletin here.

How to enroll

Click here to declare your minor.