Category: Featured

Posted on May 24th, 2024 by wheelerr

What follows is Alondra Arriaga-Rosales’s address as delivered at the School of Liberal Arts Commencement, May 10th, 2024 Welcome students. My name is Alondra Arriaga-Rosales, and I am one amongst many 2024 School of Liberal Arts graduates. Can you all believe that we have made it right celebrating our academic success?! Today marks the end …

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People gathered at a mosque
Posted on October 2nd, 2022 in Blog, Community Service, Faculty, Featured, Internships, Students, Teaching by wheelerr

Dr. Kelly Hayes and Religious Studies major Alondra Arriaga-Rosales are working together on a project to strengthen the Religious Studies department’s ties with religious communities in central Indiana. With funding from IUPUI’s Community Engagement Program, this year-long project explores how the department can institutionalize our relationships with local religious communities in more intentional, enduring, and …

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Posted on September 6th, 2022 by wheelerr

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, Indianapolis was home to a thriving, Arabic-speaking community whose legacy, though not well-known by many Hoosiers, has made a lasting impact on Indiana’s history. IU’s Edward Curtis, IV has spent the last few years working with IUPUI students to document the history of Arab Americans in Indianapolis. Through …

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Posted on August 29th, 2022 by wheelerr

By Adam Peterson, ’25 Journalism, IUPUI Imperfections across the health care system have long plagued the United States. Costs are high, rules are unclear, coverage is spotty and in flux. IUPUI professor David Craig is working to improve the situation. Ten years ago, Craig wrote a book on health care, enthusiastically hoping that the book …

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