Choose 12 credits from the following list (at least two courses from different departments):
EALC C131: First semester Chinese (4 cr.)
EALC E231: Japan: The Living Tradition (3 cr.)
EALC E232: China Past and Present: Culture in Continuing Evolution (3 cr.)
EALC E282: East Asian Calligraphy (3 cr.)
EALC E301: Chinese Language and Culture (3 cr.)
EALC E334: Contemporary Chinese Cinema (3 cr.)
EALC E335: Studies in Chinese Martial Arts Culture (3 cr.)
EALC E351: Studies in East Asian Culture (3 cr.)
EALC E384: East Asian Nationalism and Cultural Identity (3 cr.)
EALC E397: Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture (3 cr.)
HIST G485: Modern China (3 cr.)
HIST G461: Imperial China (3 cr.)
HIST G451: The Far East I (3cr.)
HIST G452: The Far East II (3cr.)
*HPER E148: T’ai Chi Ch’uan (1 cr.)
HPER E248: Intermediate T’ai Chi Ch’uan (1 cr.)
HPER E260: Karate-Intermediate (1 cr.)
PHIL P349: Philosophies of China (3cr.)
AMST A102: Asian American Studies (3cr.)
*HPER E148 can be repeated once.
Elective or substitute courses must be approved with Chinese Program Director.