Why Choose Chinese Studies?

Be a part of the most spoken language in the world.

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Courses of Study

The Program in Chinese Studies endeavors to set you on a solid foundation for learning the Chinese language and acquiring an understanding of East Asian cultures. You may major in more than one language, earn multiple minors, or complete certifications along with your major. Each option will help you to develop your language skills and expand your cultural perspective. The program helps to satisfy the Chinese language requirements for majors in international studies focusing on China. With so many options, the choice is yours to make.

Individualized Major
Minor in Chinese Studies
Minor in East Asian Culture
Certificate in Chinese Studies
Certificate in Intercultural Health in Chinese

What Studying Chinese Did for Me?

The Chinese Program has been a wonderful part of my undergraduate program. Not only has the Chinese program helped me in my degree in Global and International Studies but has helped me find passion in East Asian history, culture, religion, and philosophy. A large part that makes the Chinese program special is the pedagogy. I think teaching language and culture from the perspective of the specific country makes the learning enjoyable, helping one understand more and write and speak at a native level.

With some experience in teaching English, as well as Japanese to younger students and peers while in the University, I have been interested in teaching and possibly learning on my own, using the pedagogy used from this program. I liked how the Chinese program followed the Chinese thinking patterns of being holistic. The classes offered were not only language, but also cultural, and classes such as Tai Chi, I-Ching and Chinese Medicine offered more insight and a holistic approach to Chinese culture.

As a student, who only majored and minored in the School of Liberal Arts, the Chinese Program helped me learn things outside of my initial interest.

— Azro-Solar Akimoto, B.A. (2021)

Edward Vaughan full resI really enjoyed my time in the Chinese program. I actually decided in my first week of classes my first semester to try Chinese, and I think that was one of the best decisions I made in my undergraduate degree.

Even though I started a little late in Chinese, the teachers were very helpful and worked with me to make sure I understood everything, and I ended up doing quite well in my first class. In fact, after two years, I even felt comfortable enough to do a study abroad in Guangzhou. I saw there just how much I had learned in those classes, and how far that could get me in day-to-day life.

Even now, I use those language skills in my work and research. It really gives me an edge when I look for opportunities in my field.

— Edward Vaughan, International Studies/German major, Chisese Certificate, 2019 graduate


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Committed to You

The Program in Chinese Studies applies Chinese cultural framework to teach Chinese characters, grammar, and discourse patterns. In this way, learning Chinese is simple, straightforward, and enjoyable. The Program uses thinking patterns to explain cultural phenomena, fosters different ways of thinking, and relates ancient wisdom with daily life to learn about the East Asian Cultures. The goal is to impart knowledge and wisdom, so you earn lifelong benefits.

More Info

Contact Dr. Jing Wang, Director of the Program in Chinese.