Program in Latino Studies

The Latino Studies program is designed for all students interested in studying Latino history and culture as well as the current role of the Latino community and its contributions in the United States. The Latino Studies certificate or minor is a perfect complement for a wide variety of Liberal Arts degrees and other disciplines. It provides a well-rounded liberal education with a special focus on the international dimension. The combination of concentrated and diversified courses in the Latino Studies program prepares students for the demands of a more progressively globalized and competitive market. 

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What Latino Studies Did For Me?

“During my time at IU Indianapolis, I was fortunate to be part of the partnership between the Latino Studies program and the Robert H. McKinney School of Law. Participating in the Latino Studies program gave me the rare opportunity to take law courses before enrolling in law school, which shaped my academic and professional pursuits. I also served as a Program Ambassador for the Latino Studies program and participated in IUI’s Women’s Mentorship Program. Thereafter, I graduated first in my class from Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law. Upon graduating, I was named Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law’s 2020 Chancellor’s Scholar based on outstanding academic achievement. While in law school, I also served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Indiana International & Comparative Law Review, Vol. XXX, was a Dean’s Tutorial Society Fellow, and served as a student member for the Indianapolis American Inn of Court.

It’s difficult to express what a profound impact participating in the Latino Studies program had on me academically and professionally. As a result of the unique opportunity to enroll in law school courses as an undergraduate student, I was inspired to pursue a law degree and ultimately become the attorney I am today. The teachings and experiences I encountered while participating in the Latino Studies program influence my law practice and professional pursuits even today. The Latino Studies Program opened many doors for me and exposed me to many wonderful opportunities throughout my academic career. I absolutely loved this program, and I am so grateful for the experience.”

— Olivia Hess, ’16 B.S. Psychology, Minors in Criminal Justice and Latino Studies