Courses may not be offered during every semester. To confirm course offerings for each semester, please use the Course Search.

The combination of concentrated and diversified courses in the Latino Studies program prepares students for the demands of a more progressively globalized and competitive market.

Core Courses for a Minor in Latino Studies

LATS-L101 Introduction to Latino Studies (3 cr.) General inquiry into the historical and cultural heritage of Latinos who have lived or currently live in what is today the United States. Through readings and discussions, the course studies the varied histories of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban and other Latin American peoples in the United States.

LATS-L228 An Interdisciplinary Look at U.S. Latino/a Identities (3 cr.) Exploration of historical and contemporary constructions of Latino/a identities and experiences in the U.S. Emphasizes trans-cultural social contexts, racial formations, and intersections with other identities, including class, sexuality, and gender.

LATS-L350 Contemporary Issues in Latino Studies: Latinos in the US: Origins and Prospects (3 cr.) This course will provide a theoretical overview of themes important to understanding Latino communities and also examine how the relationships between Latinos and non-Latinos help determine their perceptions of the United States and each other.

Core Courses for a Certificate in Latino Studies

LATS-L 101 Introduction to Latino Studies (3 cr.) General inquiry into the historical and cultural heritage of Latinos who have lived or currently live in what is today the United States. Through readings and discussions, the course studies the varied histories of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban and other Latin American peoples in the United States.

LATS-L 228 An Interdisciplinary Look at U.S. Latino/a Identities (3 cr.) Exploration of historical and contemporary constructions of Latino/a identities and experiences in the U.S. Emphasizes trans-cultural social contexts, racial formations, and intersections with other identities, including class, sexuality, and gender.

LATS-L350 Contemporary Issues in Latino Studies: Latinos in the US: Origins and Prospects (3 cr.) This course will provide a theoretical overview of themes important to understanding Latino communities and also examine how the relationships between Latinos and non-Latinos help determine their perceptions of the United States and each other.

LATS-L 396 Social and Historical Topics in Latino Studies (3 cr.) Study of historical and current issues affecting Latino communities and Latino integration into U.S. mainstream society. Topics may vary. May be repeated with a different topic for a maximum of 9 credit hours.

Elective Courses for a Minor or Certificate in Latino Studies

You may choose your two electives for a minor or certificate in Latino Studies from a pool of courses in the School of Liberal Arts or other IU Indianapolis Schools.

Elective Courses in School of Liberal Arts

Africana Studies

AFRO A202 The West and the African Diaspora. An introduction to Western Europe’s and America’s perception of Africa and Africans. Emphasis is on the image of Africans and their New World descendants, as constructed by European and American intellectuals.

American Studies

AMST A301 The Question of American Identity: Alternative Histories and American Identity. Is American culture unified or does it consist of a potpourri of more or less distinct cultures? Beginning with the 1600s but emphasizing the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, this course explores classic texts in American culture, seeking to locate the terms of American unity in the midst of obvious diversity.

AMST A302 The Question of American Community. What are the varieties and forms of American social life? This course will explore the manner in which Americans, from Puritan times through the later decades of the twentieth century, have structured and experienced social life in rural, urban, and suburban settings.

AMST A303 Topics in American Studies. Interdisciplinary consideration of various American studies topics.


ANTH A460 Topics in Anthropology (variable title). Anthropology of Latin America or Archaeologies of Latin America. A conceptual examination of selected topics in the field of anthropology.

ANTH E300 Cultures of Mexico and Central America. An ethnographic survey of a selected culture area or ethnic group.

ANTH E384 The African Diaspora. This course examines the cultural formation of the African Diaspora in the Americas. The course focuses specifically on the development of the African diasporic populations in the Caribbean, Central America and South America in comparative perspective. Students will develop a critical understanding of the African Diaspora as a geographical displacement, as an assemblage of cultural groups, and as a process of political identification.

ANTH E403 Women of Color in the US. This course examines the concepts of race, and gender as inextricably tied analytical categories, and how they have structured the lives of African American, Latina, Native American and Asian American women, both US born and immigrant. Themes of oppression, identities and activism figure prominently throughout the course.

ANTH E457 Ethnic Identity. A cross-cultural analysis of the nature of ethnic groups and identity, including the effects of colonialism and nationalism on ethnic groups, stereotyping groups, ethnic symbols and styles, and persistence and change in ethnicity.

ANTH L401 Language, Power, and Gender. This course investigates sociocultural aspects of language use, focusing on the interaction of power and gender with language. Topics include differences in men’s and women’s language use, discourse patterns and power relationships, and identity and language use. To what extent does the language we speak sustain the dominance of certain groups in our society?

Communication Studies

COMM C180 Introduction to Interpersonal Communications. P: reading placement score of at least 80. The study of human dyadic, interaction, including topics as perception processes, verbal/nonverbal communication, theoretical models of communication, conflict, and interpersonal communication in various relationships. Course covers applications of interpersonal communication theory/research, including communication competence.

COMM G400 Health Provider-Consumer Communication. This course is designed to teach communication skills and practices related to health care discourse, by examining transactional communication within health care contexts. Topics covered in this course focus directly upon interpersonal dialogue between healthcare providers and patients

COMM C482 Inter-Cultural Communication Intercultural. P: C180 or permission of instructor. Cognitive, affective, and behavioral learning about intercultural and intracultural communication to increase under-standing of the centrality of communication in the social, psychological, and environmental aspects of culture.


ECON E101 Survey of Current Economic Issues and Problems. For non-majors only. Basic economic principles applied to current social issues and problems. Topics covered will typically include inflation, unemployment, wage and price controls, welfare, social security, national debt, health programs, food prices, pollution, crime, mass transit, revenue sharing, multinationals, population, and energy.

ECON E307 Current Economics Issues. P: E201 or permission of instructor. Current economic issues, problems, and research methods. Designed to explore in depth an economic issue currently before the public or to examine a particular aspect of the methodology of economics. Examples would be a study of the economic aspects of discrimination, a study of urban economic policy, or a study of simplified models in economics.


ENG L379 Ethnic and Minority Literature of the United States. Analysis of literature by and about immigrants from diverse cultures as well as ethnic literature about groups such as African Americans, Appalachians, Hispanics, and Native Americans, from a historical and thematic perspective.

ENG W366 Written Englishes: Living Cultural Realities. This course examines the intricacies of the English Language, the language variety or dialect called “correct” or “standard written English,” its meaning, history, and politics.


GEOG G323 Geography of Latin America. National and regional variations in terrain, climate, natural resources, and economic and social life in Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America.

GEOG G324 Geography of the Caribbean. Geographic introduction to the Caribbean, stressing global and regional political and economic relationships, physical and natural environments, human activities and human-environmental relationships which give coherence and identity to the diversity of Caribbean landscapes, peoples, and cultures.

GEOG G363 Landscapes and Cultures of the Caribbean. Field courses are taught during summer. Includes two weeks of preliminary lectures at IUPUI followed by approximately two weeks of intensive field study in the Caribbean. Destinations vary from year to year.


HISTA421 Topics in United States History: The American Ethnic Experience. Intensive study and analysis of selected historical issues and/or problems in United States history. Topics will vary by semester.

HISTA352 History of Latinos in the United States. Examines twentieth century history of immigration to the United States from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Central America. Compares causes of immigration and contrasts experiences of Latino immigrants in the United States.

HIST F341 Latin America: Conquest and Empire. The colonial period: Spanish, Portuguese, Indian, and African backgrounds; discovery, conquest, and settlement; economic, social, political, religious, and cultural life; the movement toward independence.

HIST F342 Latin America: Evolution and Revolution since Independence. National period: the struggle for independence; the nineteenth-century attempts to achieve political stability and economic progress; the efforts to attain social justice in the twentieth century, with emphasis on common problems.

HIST F346 Modern Mexico. Survey of Mexican history from the late 1800s to the present. Focuses on causes for and long-term consequences of Mexico’s 1910 revolution.

HIST F347 History of United States-Latin American Relations. This course examines the history of diplomatic, economic, and cultural relations between the United States and Latin America from the late 1700s to the present.

Global and International Studies

INTL-I 100 Introduction to International Studies. This is the required introductory course for the international studies major and minor. In contrast to international relations (a subfield of political science), with which it is often confused, international studies is an interdisciplinary field. This course provides you with an interdisciplinary sample of international studies scholarship from a variety of academic disciplines

INTL-I 415 Individual Readings in International Studies. This course allows students to pursue independent study projects or to take advantage of opportunities to collaborate with faculty on research projects in international studies.


JOUR J475 Race, Gender, and the Media. Survey and analysis of how news and entertainment media represent issues of race and gender. History of women and people of color as media professionals and media consumers. Discussion of contemporary problems and potential solutions.


PHIL P323 Society and State in the Modern World. Topics, issues, and key figures in modern political philosophy, e.g., distributive justice, state authority, and the political thought of Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Mill, Marx, and Rawls.

Political Science

POLS Y337 Latin American Politics. Comparative analysis of political change in major Latin American countries, emphasizing alternative explanations of national and international developments; examination of impact of political parties, the military, labor and peasant movements, Catholic church, multinational corporations, regional organizations, and United States on politics; public policy processes in democratic and authoritarian regimes.

POLS Y377 Globalization. A course that investigates the economic, environmental, financial, political, security, and technological aspects of globalization.

Religious Studies

REL R328 Religions of the African Diaspora. Surveys the origin, history, organizational structures, beliefs, and devotional practices of the religions that developed among African slaves and their descendants in the new world (including Brazil, Haiti, Cuba, and the United States).

REL R400 Studies in Religion. Specialized and intensive studies in religion with an interdisciplinary emphasis. (Variable topics).


SOC R121 Social Problems. Selected current ” problems” of American society are analyzed through the use of basic sociological data and the application of major sociological frameworks. Policy implications are discussed in light of value choices involved in various solutions.

SOC R461 Race and Ethnic Relations. P: R100 or consent of instructor. Comparative study of racial, ethnic, and religious relations. Focus on patterns of inclusion and exclusion of minority groups by majority groups. Discussion of theories of intergroup tensions-prejudice and discrimination-and of corresponding approaches to the reduction of tensions.


SPAN S231 Spanish-American Fiction in Translation. Representative prose fiction of Spanish America. Background lectures on the evolution of the short story and novel. Readings and discussions will concentrate on the fiction of the twentieth century.

SPAN-S 318 Writing Spanish for Heritage Speakers (3 cr.) P: S204 (passed with a C or better) or transfer equivalent, or placement by testing.
Focus on developing the literacy and writing skills of students who need additional practice and accuracy with standard written Spanish. Designed for native speakers and/or heritage speakers of Spanish. “Native” speakers are students who graduated from a high school in a Spanish-speaking country. “Heritage” speakers are students whose dominant language is English but who have had significant exposure to Spanish at home or in a Spanish-speaking country. This course is specifically required for native speakers who wish to earn special credit (S298) in Spanish. PUL=1A,5

SPAN-S 323 Introduction to Translating Spanish and English. P: S313 or consent of instructor. A comparative study of the style and grammar of both languages with a focus on the difficulties involved in translating. Introduction to the techniques and process of translation through intensive practice.

SPAN S360 Introduction to Hispanic Literature. P: S313 or consent of instructor. Using fiction, drama, and poetry from both Spain and Latin America, this course introduces strategies to increase reading comprehension and presents terms and concepts useful in developing the critical skills of literary analysis.

SPAN S363 Introduction to Hispanic Culture. P: S313 or consent of instructor. Introduction to the cultural history of Spanish-speaking countries with emphasis on its literary, artistic, social, economic, and political aspects.

SPAN S412 Latin American Culture and Civilization. P: S313 and S363, or consent of instructor. A course to integrate historical, social, political, and cultural information about Spanish America.

SPAN-S 423 The Craft of Translation (3 cr.) P: S313 and S323, or consent of instructor. Basic introductory course in translation. The problems and techniques of Spanish/English and English/Spanish translation using a variety of texts and concentrating on such critical areas as stylistics, tone, rhythms, imagery, nuance, allusion, etc. PUL=2,1A,6;RISE-E

SPAN-S 430 Legal Spanish (3 cr.) P: 300-level Spanish or consent of instructor. Advanced course for native speakers of Spanish or advanced students in Spanish who are considering careers in the legal professions. Course begins with general knowledge of legal Spanish and focuses on reading, communicative activities, interpreting, and translation.

SPAN S440 Hispanic Sociolinguistics. P: S326 or equivalent. Topics include sociolinguistic and phonological and syntactic variation, field methods, discourse analysis, language and power, language ideology, language attitudes, languages in contact, language and gender, language and the law, bilingualism, linguistic politeness, and speech act theory.

SPAN S470 Women and Hispanic Literature. P: S313 and S360, or consent of instructor. The Hispanic woman within her cultural context through literary texts. Topics such as women authors, characters, themes, and feminist criticism.

SPAN S472 Spanish-American Literature I-II. P: S313 and S360, or consent of instructor. Introduction to Spanish-American literature.

SPAN S477 Twentieth-Century Spanish-American Prose Fiction. P: S313 and S360, or consent of instructor. Close readings of representative novelists and short story writers, including established authors (Borges, Asturias, Arreola, Carpentier) and promising young writers.

Elective Courses in other IUI Schools

Herron School of Art and Design

HER H300 Black Visual Artists A survey of the artistic traditions of Africans in the New World, from the period of slavery in North and South America through contemporary and expatriate African American artists. Equivalent to Afro-American Studies A352; students may not receive credit for both courses.

School of Education

EDUC E201 Multicultural Education and Global Awareness. EDUC-E 201 Multicultural Education and Global Awareness. This course examines educator’s and student’s responsibility (ies) in a complex and interdependent world. Students will be guided to develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to live effectively in a world of limited resources, ethnic diversity, and cultural pluralism.

EDUC M317 Student Commonality and Diversity. Examines the implications of diversity and the value of cultural sensitivity in education. Students will become familiar with differences in learning and communication styles on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity, religion, socio- economic class, and language; and become familiar with multicultural education in practice and its effects on the curriculum, classroom, and school structure.

Health and Human Sciences

SHRS W250 Health and Rehabilitation Systems across the World. This course presents issues in global health and rehabilitation delivery systems from the viewpoint of many different disciplines with an emphasis on economically less developed countries.

SHRS W460 Global Perspectives in Nutrition, Health, Disease, and Disability. Major emphasis on global perspectives with specific focus on economically less developed countries, examining existing and emerging issues in international nutrition that influence the health, well-being, and disability and the efficacy and effectiveness of nutritional interventions in the prevention of disease and disability among people living in developing countries.

TCEM T234 Cultural Heritage Tourism. Analyzes the integration of visitor interests/needs and the protection of cultural and heritage resources. Elements examined include the various cultural and heritage assets operable as tourism attractions in addition to the link between quality cultural heritage tourism and community development. Emphasis is placed on Indiana cultural and heritage tourism.

TCEM T483 Ecotourism. Pre-requisite: TCEM T207. Course will introduce students to the history, principles, marketing, planning, and management of ecotourism activities and development which promotes environmental awareness and adds economic benefits. Pre-requisite may be waived if students have taken a course in sustainability or policy management. (Offered in Summer I in Puerto Rico).

Lilly Family School of Philanthropy

PHSY P 105 Giving and Volunteering in America. This introductory course for non-majors encourages students to reflect on their past and current experiences with giving and volunteering. Students will be introduced to the historical, philosophical, and literary traditions of America philanthropy and will be encouraged to apply them to their own lives, service experiences, educational and professional goals, and visions of a better world. One component of the course involves a service-learning experience and reflective essay.

PHST P201 Traditions and Practice in Philanthropic Studies. The course explores the issues and values surrounding philanthropy and nonprofit organizations as they have developed in history, as they shape contemporary formal study of philanthropy, and as an important part of students’ personal, intellectual, and professional lives. One component of the course involves a service- learning experience and reflective essay.

PHST P210 Philanthropy and the Social Sciences. This course in the social sciences (including anthropology, communication studies, economics, ethnic studies, political science, psychology, and sociology) offers an introduction to the analytical approaches and perspectives that the social sciences bring to bear upon the study of philanthropy. The course surveys the issues and diverse roles played by voluntary action and philanthropic organizations in society, as well as the problems and questions that shape social science research on understanding and improving the practice of philanthropy.

PHSY P211 Philanthropy and the Humanities. This course draws from the humanities disciplines (including the arts, history, literature, philosophy and religion) to address the question of responsible action in philanthropy. To whom or to what should a philanthropist be responsible? Readings and discussions will involve an analysis of values, goals, purposes, moral claims, and aspirations that sometimes compete, conflict, or coexist uneasily in philanthropic action and organizations.

PHST P212 Philanthropy and Civic Engagement. What contributions do philanthropic actions and organizations make to society? And how does social policy support philanthropy and voluntary service? Using insights from history, economics, political science, and public policy, this course examines the nature and scope of philanthropic giving and volunteering in the United States, the ideas and forces that have shaped its character and growth, and the policy issues it presents within democratic society. One component of the course is an experiential group project to improve the campus.

Paul H. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs

SPEA V221 Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector. This course provides a broad overview of the United States nonprofit sector. Topics include the sector’s size and scope and its religious, historical, and theoretical underpinnings. It also examines perspectives on why people organize, donate to, and volunteer for nonprofit organizations and looks at current challenges that the sector faces.

SPEA J275 Diversity Issues in Criminal Justice. This course will examine the influence of diversity issues such as race, ethnicity, class, and gender on crime and the treatment of underrepresented groups throughout the American criminal justice system.

SPEAV362 Nonprofit Management and Leadership. Students in this course examine the management practices of nonprofit organizations. The course encourages students to take the perspectives of nonprofit managers, volunteers, board members, policy makers, donors, and clients. Course projects expand understanding of the nonprofit sector and develop students’ management skills, analytical tools, and knowledge.

SPEA V380 Internship in Public and Environmental Affairs. P: permission of instructor. Open to interested students upon approval of the faculty. Students are placed with public agencies or governmental units for assignment to a defined task relevant to their educational interests in public affairs. Tasks may involve staff work or research.

Robert H. McKinney School of Law

Environmental Justice (3 cr.) D/N 681 represents a critical issue in domestic and international environmental policy and law. Students will examine historical and contemporary “environmental justice” issues raised by communities and the legal avenues available to address those claims. They will gain an appreciation of the competing societal interests at stake in environmental decision-making and the relationship of the civil rights movement in United States history to the birth of the environmental justice movement.

Immigration Law and Procedure (2 or 3 cr.) D/N 709 covers citizenship, acquisition, and maintenance of major immigrant and nonimmigrant classifications, along with admission into and exclusion or deportation from the United States. Topics addressed include the structure and procedures of the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the Board of Immigration Appeals.

School of Social Work

LSTU L385 Class, Gender and Race. This course provides a historical overview of the impact and interplay of class, race, and gender on shaping U.S. labor markets, organizations, and policies. It examines union responses and strategies for addressing class, race, and gender issues.

SWK S100 Understanding Diversity in a Pluralistic Society. Theories and models that enhance understanding of our diverse society. This course provides content about differences and similarities in the experiences, needs, and beliefs of selected minority groups and their relation to the majority group.

SWK S300 Latin American Issues in a Global Society. A compressed class taught the second half of the Spring semester.

SWK S300 Global Society: Human, Economic, Social, and Political Issues. The purpose of this course is to examine a range of issues including human rights, distribution of wealth, ethnic diversity, and social development, within the context of global interdependence. Problems of global poverty, social injustice, and inequality will receive special attention. These areas will be examined utilizing empowerment, strengths, and multicultural perspectives.

More Info

For courses offered in a specific semester, see the Schedule of Classes at Student Central.

Contact Rosa Tezanos-Pinto.