Academic Advising

As a Museum Studies graduate student, you will be assigned a Museum Studies faculty advisor who will help you create your individualized academic plan and choose learning opportunities that best meet your needs, interests, and goals. Undergraduate certificate students are advised by the Undergraduate advisor, Dr. Holly Cusack-McVeigh. Contact information for all advisors are listed below.

Our faculty advisors care about your professional success as well as your personal well-being. From practical concerns to career dreams and questions, your advisor is here to listen, brainstorm, and assist. We encourage you to work closely with your advisor, meet with them at least once a semester, and take advantage of all advising opportunities throughout your time in the program, and beyond.

How can your academic advisor help you?

  • Identify your academic and career goals
  • Create an academic plan tailored to your goals
  • Select and enroll in appropriate classes
  • Manage your course load
  • Meet your degree requirements
  • Tap into IU Indianapolis resources and support
  • Understand academic policies and procedures
  • Learn to use available academic tools
  • Apply for internships and fellowships
  • Explore career options
  • Apply for jobs
  • Prepare for graduation

Tools for success

Check the degree map to learn how to complete your degree on time.

Check your progress in an Academic Advisement Report to determine what courses you still need to graduate.

Schedule an advising appointment

Please contact your assigned academic advisor to schedule an appointment!

Dr. Holly Cusack-McVeigh (advisor for all undergraduate certificate students)

Dr. Laura Holzman

Dr. Elizabeth Kryder-Reid

Dr. Lois H. Silverman