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Posted on September 20th, 2022 in Faculty, Publication, Research by Carrie E. Foote

A recent publication in The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Social Sciences, written by SLA faculty members Kenzie Mintus (Sociology) and Elizabeth Nelson (Medical Humanities and Health Studies) and alumna Monica Deck, was featured on the OUPblog. The research team finds that formerly incarcerated women of color face worse health in later life. Although previous …

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Posted on September 16th, 2022 in Faculty, Media by Carrie E. Foote

IU Indianapolis Sociology Professor Andrew Whitehead was on NBC’s Meet the Press this week as part of a panel discussing the rise of Christian Nationalism in American politics as part of a series on Theocracy Rising.  Professor Whitehead explained, “This idea of a country for the people by the people — it’s really a country …

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Posted on September 7th, 2022 by Carrie E. Foote

Dr Carrie Foote, IU Indianapolis Sociology, was among a group of lawmakers and other stakeholders who discussed possible changes to Indiana laws concerning HIV-specific criminal penalties and sentence enhancements during an Indiana General Assembly Legislative Study session on August 30. Doctors, Public Health and Public Defender leaders argued that reforming HIV criminal laws will destigmatize …

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