“Arab Indianapolis: A Hidden History” premiered June 16th on WFYI. Dean Eitle attended the in-person premiere last week. The film will likely air around the state on various PBS affiliates (so far, Michiana and Muncie have signed on). It will also stream for years on the national PBS app:https://www.pbs.org/video/arab-indianapolis-a-hidden-history-i8qegh/
The appearance of the documentary is accompanied by the publication of the Arab Indianapolis book, which will launch as Indy Reads Sunday, June 19th.
SLA and the Plater Chair have been recognized in multiple media stories as a result:
I expect at least two more stories in the next few months.
On July 5, I will again appear on TV, this time on PBS national, in the broadcast premiere of “The Great Muslim American Road Tour” https://www.pbs.org/show/great-muslim-american-road-trip/.
Edward E. Curtis IV is Professor of Religious Studies and the William M. and Gail M. Plater Chair of Liberal Arts, IU School of Liberal Arts at IU Indianapolis