Dr. Marilee Brooks-Gillies, Assistant Professor of English and University Writing Center Director, and three former students, Varshini Balaji (BA Anthropology ’20), KC Chan-Brose (MA English ’19), and Kelin Hull (Visiting Lecturer, English MA ’19), published the peer-reviewed article, “Listening Across: A Cultural Rhetorics Approach to Understanding Power Dynamics within a University Writing Center,” in *Praxis*. Their project develops a culturally-informed theoretical framework to understand the unique power dynamics within writing centers that foregrounds listening, relationships, and embodied experience. Their project was also supported by a 2019 International Writing Centers Association Research Grant.
Marilee Brooks-Gillies is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English and Director of the University Writing Center, IU School of Liberal Arts at IU Indianapolis
Kelin Hull is a Visiting Lecturer in the Department of English and Assistant Director of the University Writing Center, IU School of Liberal Arts at IU Indianapolis