Kelin Hull and Dr. Marilee Brooks-Gillies recently published a book chapter titled “Emotional and Embodied Relationality in Writing Center Administration: Attending to Institutional Status, In-Betweenness, and the (Re)Making of Community” in the collection Emotion and Affect in Writing Centers released by Parlor Press. About the Book
Collaboratively written and single-authored chapters focus on topics such as listening, burnout, tutor training, and emotional labor. Using several methodological approaches, including narratives, reflections, conversation analysis, and quantitative and qualitative studies, contributors identify how multiple identities, experiences, and histories can be mobilized through attention to emotions and affect. Contributors offer readers particular recommendations throughout the collection, including suggestions for training and future conversations between writing center stakeholders. Contributors also argue for adaptability, as they reflect on the impact of political and cultural events on the emotive qualities of writing center work.
Kelin Hull is a Visiting Lecturer in the Department of English and Assistant Director of the University Writing Center, IU School of Liberal Arts at IU Indianapolis
Marilee Brooks-Gillies is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English and Director of the University Writing Center, IU School of Liberal Arts at IU Indianapolis