Posted on February 18th, 2023 in Announcements, Book, Creative Activity, Events, Faculty, Featured, Publication, Research by David E. Hoegberg

Writer Sarah Layden, Assistant Professor of English in the IU School of Liberal Arts at IU Indianapolis, has two books coming out this spring. The Invisible Art of Literary Editing, a textbook co-authored with Butler University Writer-in-Residence Bryan Furuness, will be published by Bloomsbury Academic in March. Layden also will moderate a panel on literary editing at the annual Association of Writers and Writing Programs Conference in Seattle in March.
Her short story collection, Imagine Your Life Like This, will be published in April by University of Wisconsin Press. To launch the book, Layden will be in conversation with author Barbara Shoup on April 14, 5:00 p.m., at Indy Reads Books.