Ph.D. in Economics

“Unfortunately, we will not be admitting new students into our Ph.D. program for the 2023-2024 academic year.”

Shot of a group of programmers working together on a computer code at night

In our Ph.D. program, which specializes in health economics, you will begin with core training in economic theory and econometrics, emphasizing microeconomic theory and microeconometrics.

The program offers a two-course field sequence in health economics as well as a course focusing on the institutional context of health, health care, and health insurance.

Additionally, you will take Ph.D. minor courses in a field such as biostatistics, epidemiology, bioethics, or health policy, giving you the necessary background for working in the interdisciplinary teams with whom health economists often interact.

In addition to econometric theory, we will also offer a year-long empirical econometrics sequence, emphasizing statistical packages, working with large datasets, problems in applied econometrics and proposal writing.

Our program features strong disciplinary training in micro economic theory, econometrics, and health economics enhanced with exposure to other related disciplines central to health and healthcare.

Admission Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university
  • Minimum 3.0 grade point average on a scale of 4, with a minimum 3.0 average in the major field.
  • Course sequence in univariate& multivariate calculus (equivalent to MATH M165, M166, & M261 at IU Indianapolis.)
  • Linear algebra (equivalent to Math M351 at IU Indianapolis).
  • Either Statistics or Econometrics:calculus-based undergraduate level course in probability or statistics OR- any undergraduate statistics course plus a course in introductory econometrics (equivalent to E270 and E470 at IU Indianapolis).
  • Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (equivalent to E321 at IU Indianapolis)
  • Course sequence in Mathematical Analysis (equivalent to Math M441 and Math M442 at IU Indianapolis).
  • Additional courses in Economics.
  • Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test (Quantitative, Verbal and Analytical Writing).
  • Successful candidates typically have quantitative scores at or above 155 (new scoring system) or 700 (old scoring system). Analytical Writing and Verbal scores can be somewhat lower.
  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). We generally look for TOEFL scores of 100 or better.
  • International English Language Testing System IELTSThe minimum acceptable IELTS score is 6.5; in practice, we look for an IELTS of 7 or more. It is required that applicants take the academic reading and writing modules, not the general training reading and writing modules. Undergraduate Record


Application Expectations

Applications will be viewed in their entirety wherein a candidate’s outstanding qualifications in one area can be balanced against more marginal qualifications in another dimension. However, admission is competitive and financial support is even more competitive. Most of the students, who are admitted and supported, will exceed the minimal requirements.

University Fellowships

The University also awards one-year University Fellowships to a highly select group of incoming Ph.D. students. This Fellowship includes no work requirement. The University Fellowship stipend is $22,500 and, in addition to tuition and health insurance as above, includes a travel allowance for conference travel. Students who receive University Fellowships in their first year are awarded a Teaching or Research Assistantship in the subsequent four years at a stipend level of $22,000.

More Info

Contact, Professor Wendy Morrison, Graduate Program Director