Writing Across the Curriculum, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Pedagogy of technology, Online Teaching, UDL (Universal Design for Learning).
Test Yourself in French Grammar (National Textbook Corp 1996)
Co-author Entre Amis: Cahier d’Activites (Houghton-Mifflin Co. 1998) and Controverses(Cengage, 2006; 2nd edition: 2011)
Articles in Romance Notes, Romance Languages Annals, Religion & Literature, Dalhousie French Studies, Les CahiersForell, and Iris
Carnegie Fellowship, 2001-2002
IUPUI Network for Excellence in Teaching 1996
Teaching Excellence Recognition Award 1998-2000
IUPUI Writing Faculty Forum 1998
Outstanding Club Advisor Award 1999
West European National Resource Center Grant 2000
Academic Interests
Curriculum development, Writing, the Robinson Crusoe narratives, Post-colonial and Feminist Studies, Literature and Photography (Ekphrasis), literature and religion, French Canadian Literature and Culture. Authors: Jules Verne, Michel Tournier, Marguerite Duras, Monique Proulx, Jacques Poulin, Roch Carrier, and Patrick Modiano, to name a few.