Why Choose Arabic Studies?

Understanding Arabic cultures is an invaluable asset in Indiana and around the world, no matter what your chosen field. Our program emphasizes real life connections with local and global communities.

Arab Indianapolis book cover features the original St. George Church, the first Arabic-speaking congregation in IndianapolisThe program in Arabic Studies prepares students for a future in which knowledge of Arabic cultures will be essential both in Indiana and around the globe. Opportunities for externships, internships, and community-engaged learning are central to the program, supported in part by the program’s Community Advisory Board.

Today, over four hundred million people speak Arabic on a daily basis. By focusing on Arabic or Arabophone (as opposed to only Arab) culture, the program emphasizes the diversity of global communities that include not only ethnic Arabs, but also Imazighen (Berbers), Armenians, Chaldeans, Circassians, Copts, Fula, Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews, Kurds, Persians/Iranians, Somalis, Turks, and Yazidis—all those whose heritage intersects with and is influenced by Arabic language and literatures. The impact of Arabic as a sacred language of Islam means that it also plays a meaningful role in the lives of over 1.8 billion Muslims, including in Indiana.

Try out one of our courses.

Find out more about our Minor in Arabic Language & Islamic Studies.

Questions? Contact the Arabic Studies Program Director, Dr. Edward Curtis.

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