Posted on November 3rd, 2024 in Classes, Community Service by ecurtis4

*NELC 261 — Class No. 29583 — Intro to Arab American Studies (3 credits) with Edward Curtis, T/H 10:30-11-45:
We’ve been given a $4,000 grant to work with Indianapolis’ Arab American community to reduce discrimination and violence against Arab Americans. You will first study the history and the contemporary lives of Arab Americans in Indiana and the United States–from immigrants in the late 1800s to the contributions of contemporary Arab Hoosiers to medicine, politics, education, and literature. You will also learn about the racism that they have faced. Then, you will work with the Indiana chapter of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, trying to address the problem of anti-Arab bias and apply what you have learned in the classroom to a real-world setting. Instead of only taking knowledge from Arab American communities, this class models what it means to give back as you prepare yourself for life and work after graduation.
*REL 257 — Class No. 29580 — Intro to Islam (3 credits) with Edward Curtis, online asynchronous: history of the rise of Islam in the seventh century, the Prophet Muhammad, the Sharia, Sufism, and pillars of faith and practice, among other topics.
*NELC-A 250 — Class No. 32656 — Intermediate Arabic II (3 credits) online asynchronous with Ayman Elbarbary.
*NELC-A 132 — Class No. 22767 — Beginning Arabic II (4 credits) online asynchronous with Ayman Elbarbary