Major in Applied Theatre, Film and Television – Film and Television Studies Concentration

The Film and Television Studies Concentration focuses on the history, theory, criticism, cultural uses, and production practices of television, film, and media arts. It emphasizes the critical analysis, creative expression, and an understanding of how media functions in our society as both art and communication.

Film and Television Studies Concentration Requirements:

Minimum of 33 credit hours. The following are specific requirements for successful completion of the major:

  • 3 cr. in Fundamentals (common to all concentrations)
  • 6 cr. in Core Courses
  • 3 cr. in Production Courses
  • 9 cr. in Theory-History-Criticism. At least 6 cr. must be at the 300-level or above.
  • 6 cr. in Cultural Approaches
  • 3 cr. in Creative Methods
  • 3 cr. Capstone Experience (common to both concentrations).
  • At least 15 credit hours in the major must be in courses at the 300 level or above.
  • No more than 12 credit hours may transfer. At least 21 credit hours must be taken in courses specific to the program in Film and Media Arts.
  • A grade of C or higher in all major course work.
  • No more than 9 hours of combined Independent Study and Internship credit toward graduation.

Required Courses

Fundamentals (3 cr.)

COMM M150 Mass Media and Contemporary Society (3 cr.)

Film and Television Studies Core (6 cr.)

  • FILM-C292 Introduction to Film or COMM-M215: Media Literacy (3 cr.)
  • FILM-C391 The Film: Theory and Aesthetics (3 cr.) OR COMM-M462: Television Aesthetics and Criticism (3 cr.)

Production (3 cr.)

COMM M221 Electronic Media Production (3 cr.) OR NEWM N253: Introduction to Digital Video (3 cr.)

Elective Courses

Creative Expression (3 cr.)

  • COMM-T133 Acting I (3 cr.)
  • COMM-M210 Media Message Design (3 cr.)
  • COMM-M464 Podcasting, Radio and Sound Production (3 cr.)
  • ENG-W260 Writing of Film Criticism (3 cr.)
  • ENG-W302 Screenwriting (3 cr.) (prerequisite: W206)
  • ENG-W315 Writing for the Web (3 cr.)
  • ENG-W318 Finding your E-voice (3 cr.)
  • JOUR-J321 Principles of Public Relations (3 cr.)

Theory-History-Criticism (9 cr.)

  • MUS-Z315 Music for Film (3 cr.)
  • FILM C350 Film Noir (3 cr.)
  • FILM C351 Musicals (3 cr.)
  • FILM C352 Biopics (3 cr.)
  • PHIL P355 Philosophy of Film (3 cr.)
  • FILM C361 Hollywood Studio Era 1930-1949 (3 cr.)
  • FILM C362 Hollywood in the 1950s (3 cr.)
  • COMM M370 History of Television (3 cr.)
  • COMM M373 Film and Video Documentary (3 cr.)
  • FILM C380 French Cinema (3 cr.)
  • FILM C390 The Film and Society: Topics (3 cr.)
  • FILM C391 The Film: Theory and Aesthetics (3 cr.)
  • FILM C392 Genre Study in Film (3 cr.)
  • FILM C393 History of European and American Films I (3 cr.)
  • FILM C394 History of European and American Films II (3 cr.)
  • COMM M462 Television Aesthetics and Criticism (3 cr.)
  • JOUR J475 Race, Gender and the Media (3 cr.)
  • COMM-R 478 Persuasion and Media in Social Movements (3 cr.)
  • FILM C491 Authorship and Cinema (3 cr.)
  • FILM C493 Film Adaptations of Literature (3 cr.)

Cultural Approaches (6 cr.)

  • COMM-C299 Communicating Queer Identity (3 cr.)
  • WOST-A316 Women of the Diaspora: Race, Culture and Education (3 cr.)
  • AFRO-A326 Race, Beauty, and Popular Culture (3 cr.)
  • EALC-E334 Contemporary Chinese Cinema (3 cr.)
  • COMM-R350 Women Speak: American Feminist Rhetoric (3 cr.)
  • AMST-A363 American Cyber Identity (3 cr.)
  • GER-G370 German Cinema (3 cr.)
  • MHHS-M410 Addiction Narratives (3 cr.)
  • MHHS-M420 The Culture of Mental Illness (3 cr.)
  • FREN-F391 Studies in French Cinema (Taught in French) (3 cr.)
  • FREN-F460 French Fiction in Film (Taught in French) (3 cr.)
  • COMM-C482 Intercultural Communication (3 cr.)
  • REL-R300 Religion and Film (3 cr.)

Degree Map

To help you guide your four-year college journey, consult your degree map for a snapshot of classes you will be taking to finish your degree.