English Week

Celebrating the English community at IU Indianapolis

English Week is an annual celebration of the English department community at IU Indianapolis. We gather over three days to showcase our work through panel discussions and presentations featuring English department students and faculty. We highlight our students’ experiences in internships, as consultants at the University Writing Center, as editors at genesis, and in their careers after graduation. It’s a bit of a three-ring circus, all designed to show the community what we do and what’s cool about majoring, minoring, and getting involved in English at IU Indianapolis.

English Week image

English Week also allows for lots of time to hang out in the “English Café,” an informal, fun place to get coffee, snacks, and free pizza for lunch. Students mingle, talk to faculty members and advisors, and get to know their fellow students. Visitors can browse through faculty books, check out our upcoming courses, and pick up advising materials for English majors and minors. We also kick back with student readings, a trivia contest, collaborative storytelling, and an old-school Atari console for the gamers among us.

Needless to say there is a lot more to being a part of the English department than writing papers (or grading them!). Keep an eye out for news of our next English Week, coming this March!