Concentration in Professional and Public Writing

Discover all the possibilities of writing for publication

The concentration in Professional and Public writing introduces you to the discipline of writing studies and the possibilities of writing for publication. You will write and analyze a range of texts including, but not limited to, online content, business reports, magazine articles, professional correspondence, and academic essays. Professional and Public Writing majors prepare you for careers in publishing, editing, freelance writing, business communication, and grant writing. Majors are also well positioned for graduate study in English, law, and library and information sciences.

If you previously declared an English major with a concentration in Writing and Literacy, please contact your advisor.

For more information, contact:

Andy Buchenot
(317) 278-0391
Cavanaugh Hall (CA) 501U

Professional and Public Writing Requirements

English majors must take at least 15 hours of 300/400 level courses in the major. A minimum grade of C is required in each course in this concentration.

Gateway Course (3 cr.)

  • ENG-W 210: Literacy and Public Life

Concentration Core (15 cr.)

Culture and Rhetoric (3 cr.)

  • ENG-W 310: Language and the Study of Writing
  • ENG-W 366: Written Englishes: Living Cultural Realities
  • ENG-W 390: Topics in Writing & Literacy*
  • ENG-W 412: Technology and Literacy

Style and Editing (3 cr.)

  • ENG-Z 204: Rhetorical Issues in Grammar and Usage
  • ENG-W 262: Style and Voice for Writers
  • ENG-W 365: Theories and Practice of Editing

Writing Experience (9 cr.)

  • ENG-W 313 The Art of Fact Writing Nonfiction Prose
  • ENG-W 315 Writing for the Web
  • ENG-W 318 Finding your E-Voice
  • ENG-W 331 Business and Administrative Writing
  • ENG-Z 370 Second Language Writing
  • ENG-W 377 Writing for Social Change
  • ENG-W 390 Topics in Writing & Literacy*
  • ENG-W 397 Writing Center Theory and Practice
  • ENG-E 398 Internship in English
  • ENG-W 400 Issues in Teaching Writing
  • ENG-W 426 Writing for Popular and Professional Publication (unless taken as capstone)

Concentration Elective (3 cr.)

Choose one additional course from “Culture and Rhetoric,” “Style and Editing,” or “Writing Experience” OR ENG-W230 Science Writing, ENG-W231 Professional Writing, or ENG-W270 Argumentative Writing unless taken to fulfill the School of Liberal Arts Writing Proficiency requirement.

English Experience (9 cr.)

Choose one from each category below:

  • Film Studies or Literature (3 cr.) 200 -400 level
  • Linguistics (3 cr.) 200 -400 level
  • Creative Writing or any elective outside of concentration core (3 cr.) 200 -400 level

Capstone (3 cr.)

  • ENG-W 426: Writing Nonfiction: Popular and Professional Publication (recommended)
  • ENG-E 398: Internships in English (with permission from director)
  • ENG-E 450: Capstone Seminar
  • ENG-L 440: Senior Seminar in English and American Literature
  • ENG-L 433: Conversations with Shakespeare

Capstone must be taken as a senior

Degree Map

To help you guide your four-year college journey, consult your degree map for a snapshot of classes you will be taking to finish your degree.