Minor in TESOL

Prepare to teach English to second-language learners

Interested in working in English language programs in the United States or English language programs abroad? The program of study for the TESOL minor will develop your understanding of language acquisition patterns, teaching methods, curriculum design, and sociocultural factors that influence teaching and learning.

This practice-oriented minor supports students who are contemplating becoming English, adult English as a Second Language, or English as a Foreign Language teachers in the future.

The minor will consist of a minimum of 15 credit hours in courses distributed as indicated below.

Group A: Core Courses (9 cr)

  • ENG Z 205 Introduction to the English Language (3 cr)
  • ENG Z 432 Second Language Acquisition (3 cr)
  • ENG Z 434 Introduction to Teaching English as a Second Language (3 cr)

Group B: Elective Courses-Choose two of the following (6 cr)

  • ENG Z 206 Introduction to Language Use (3 cr) OR ENG Z 310 Language in Context: Sociolinguistics (3 cr)
  • ENG Z 370 Second Language Writing (3 cr)
  • ENG Z 441 Materials Preparation for ESL Instruction (3 cr.)
  • ENG Z 405 Topics in the Study of Language (ex.: Generation 1.5, Second Language Learning and Technology, other)
  • ENG E 398 Internship in English (meets Capstone requirement for English majors)

Note: For both Group A & B: enrollment permitting, the department will attempt to have separate sections just for undergraduates, not cross-listed sections.

Substitute courses

Students may petition, either before or after taking a course, to count a course toward the minor. Students will petition the faculty member coordinating the TESOL minor.

For more information contact: 

Estela Ene, Ph.D.
Program Director of EAP and TESOL
Associate Professor of English
(317) 274-3908