Alumni and Giving

Support the General Studies Program

We are so grateful to have the generous support of our alumni, parents, students, and friends of the General Studies Program. Your gifts enhance our program in so many ways, from student aid opportunities to special events to new projects, and more. Thank you for being our partner in changing the lives of current and future students.

Give now to the General Studies Program >>

Making an online gift through the IU Foundation’s online giving portal, called MyIU, is quick, easy, and secure. You can make a one-time, multi-payment, or recurring gift. The drop-down box will enable you to select the gift account(s) that supports the area(s) that aligns with your philanthropic interests.

What General Studies Did for Me?

TrevorBlack JG“It took me a couple of decades to obtain my Bachelor’s in General Studies. Even though I did not start in a General Studies Program, I found that this program meant my needs. I initially started college at IUSB when I was 22 years old. Over the course of many years, moves and different employments, I finally landed in Indianapolis and finished my Degree at IUI in General Studies when I was 40 years old.

A person’s life takes different twists and turns and not everyone can find their way in four years. Family issues, financial concerns, new life and deaths form a person’s destination. I have worked at many different positions my whole college career, and General Study’s courses assisted me with advancement in these positions.

Currently I have been employed at a Federal Institution in Finance for the past 15 years. I encourage both men and women of any age to continue to strive and grow and attain as much education, from a college, University, trade school, or even internships. Any knowledge gain assists us in becoming the adults we want to be in our personal lives and in our careers.”

— Trevor Black, B.G.S.
Trevor serves on the School of Liberal Arts Alumni Board and the Neal Marshall Black Organization.

Stay Engaged with General Studies

Locally, nationally, or internationally, you can stay engaged with the General Studies Program in these ways:

  • Host interns at your workplace
  • Mentor students
  • Follow us on social media
  • Attend General Studies events
  • Write for our General Studies blog
  • Share your expertise
  • Be a guest speaker
  • Help build our General Studies alumni network
  • Provide a quote or success story for our website, signage, videos, etc.
  • Got a project idea? Let us know!

Know of an alumnus who is doing great work for the program? Nominate them for an Alumni Award.

Contact us to let us know how you would like to be engaged!