Museum Studies Blog

Posted on May 27th, 2024 in Alumni, Student Work by jachigg | Tags:


Internship at the Eiteljorg Museum

As we are getting closer to the finish line and to graduation, many of us are dealing with a mix of feelings of being nervous and stressed just trying to get all assignments completed. Making sure you are on track to graduate is a job all on its own. For many of us, the fear of what is next after graduation makes us take a few minutes to take small deep breaths and do some thinking, but for some it comes as a breeze of figuring out your life.  

My name is Kierra Anderson, and I am a second year Museum Studies graduate student. I am a dedicated and passionate emerging museum professional who values civic engagement, collaboration, and creativity through informal learning and programming. I believe through museums we can create socially just places where people can connect with art, history, and programs to foster an inclusive reciprocal relationship. My true calling is to help others connect with the world around to create memorable experiences. I believe that museums can help us connect with diverse perspectives, needs, individuals, and communities through the power of a story, program, or interaction to change how museums foster and deliver programs.  

Before my journey into the museum field, I earned my Bachelor of Science in Criminology with a minor in History from Saint Mary of the Woods College in 2017. I graduated from the University of Indianapolis in 2021 with a Master of History. After completing my degree at University of Indianapolis, I decided to continue my education, to see where the museum field would lead. As I started exploring programs and came across the IUI Museum Studies program, a program that was quite different from any other. I remember talking to an Eiteljorg coworker and Museum Studies alumni about wanting to apply to the program, and she advised me it is very hands-on approach and community driven. That was exactly what I had wanted to do, and, since I loved history and museums, what greater way to explore my options and learn more about them through this great program? 

I am currently working as an Admissions Assistant/Gallery Attendant at the Eiteljorg Museum of American Indian & Western Art, where I’ve been for 4 years. Along with my duties at the museum, I am also assisting with COVES (Collaboration for Ongoing Visitor Experience Studies): Art Bridges data collection for the Eiteljorg to understand visitor’s motivations for visiting the museum and about their experiences. I have always kept an eye out for unique ways to engage diverse audiences in innovative and inspiring ways to create an unforgettable experience.  

 Outside of my work as a museum professional, I enjoy binge watching crime thrillers or dramas. Every now and then you can also find me lost in a good book whether it be fantasy, drama, or fiction. I am a total book worm! I enjoy all kinds of music. I have always been a cat lover because who doesn’t love cats, but I did have twin puppies as a kid. I always enjoy meeting new people and talking about museums, books, and anything about history.  

Throughout my museum studies career whether it was through site visits, internship experiences with public programs and engagement, I have developed a set of applied skills and knowledge to create educational and engaging materials for all ages and audiences to foster empathy, build relationships, and productive conversations. I am most passionate about education, evaluation, and curatorial aspects of research and interpretation. With these varied experiences already under my belt, I find myself analyzing my museum history through everyday things to see it in a new light. My portfolio highlights my museum journey and the foundational museum skills that I have acquired to make me into the emerging and passionate museum professional I am today.

Full Portfolio Link: 


Kierra Anderson (she/her) received her MA in Museum Studies in May 2024 from Indiana University Indianapolis.