The University Writing Center is a community of writers supporting writers. Our mission is to make spaces for practicing and learning about writing. Our work is conducted through peer-to-peer mentoring by undergraduate, graduate, and faculty writing consultants. The work of consulting requires respecting and valuing the unique cultural and personal histories, knowledge, and language practices each writer brings into their writing. We see ourselves as advocates of writers and writing. We strive to be a welcoming, inclusive space for all IUPUI community members to share their writing in an interactive and collaborative learning environment.
In addition to these commitments, we affirm the following statements:
Baker-Bell, April, et al. “This Ain’t Another Statement! This is a DEMAND for Black Linguistic Justice!” Conference on College Composition & Communication, July 2020,
“CCCC Position Statement on Undergraduate Research in Writing: Principles and Best Practices.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, March 2017,
“CCCC Statement of Professional Guidance for Mentoring Graduate Students.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, November 2019,
“CCCC Statement on Second Language Writing and Multilingual Writers.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, January 2001,
Committee on CCCC Language Statement. “Students’ Right to Their Own Language.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, vol. XXV, 1974, Accessed 30 September 2020.
“IWCA Diversity Initiative.” International Writing Centers Association Executive Board, 20 November 2006,
“IWCA Position Statement on Graduate Student Writing Center Administration.” International Writing Centers Association Executive Board, November 2001,
“IWCA Position Statement on the Use of the Singular ‘They.’” International Writing Centers Association, 2019,
“Position Statement on Disability and Writing Centers.” International Writing Centers Association, 1 May 2006,
“Position Statement on Racism, Anti-Immigration, and Linguistic Intolerance.” International Writing Centers Association Special Interest Group, 9 November 2010,
“Statement on Language, Power, and Action.” November 2016,
“Students’ Right to Their Own Language (with bibliography).” Conference on College Composition and Communication,