Writing in Community: Drop-in Writing Group Programs

Teaming up with the IU Graduate School Indianapolis the UWC offers a weekly, drop-in, writing accountability group which is open to all students. This is a scheduled, recurring time for writers to work on their projects in a supportive community of fellow writers. It’s a time for writers of all disciplines to come together to talk through their writing, receive support, and make progress on their projects. We meet every Monday from 4-6 p.m. and every Tuesday from 10 a.m-12 p.m. in the University Library Graduate Commons.

Writers are encouraged to attend every week, but weekly participation is not a requirement. All writers and all types of writing across every stage of the writing process are welcome at our writing-in-community program. Writers can choose to stay for the whole event or to drop by and write for however long they would like. The weekly writing times are facilitated by graduate writing consultants and support our mission to listen to and respect writers, mentor and empower writers, value multiple literacies and language diversity, and encourage self-reflection and critical thinking. If you’re interested in joining us, please register here.

For more information or to request a calendar reminder for any of our recurring writing-in-community events, please contact us at uwc@iu.edu. Be sure to include the words “writing in community” in your email subject line.  You may also be interested in this blog post that a writing in community (previously known as the write-on-site program) facilitator wrote about the program.