Hit rough waters with your thesis or dissertation?
Join us for a panel Q&A discussion with previous IUI grad students to learn how they navigated writing these tricky projects.
When: March 21st from 5-6 pm
Where: Zoom
Why be stressed alone when we can be stressed TOGETHER? Join us during Stress Busters Week for a community writing event! Come enjoy some free pizza while working on your final projects.
When: TBD
Where: CA 427
Join us for a talk with some of IUI’s librarians to learn about using Zotero to manage your citations and sources.
Date: February 27th, 2023
Time: 4:30-5:30 pm
Location: UL 1126
Registration: https://iu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_512MqCuBKs98aqi