Advanced Writing Consultant


To be eligible for employment as a writing consultant, you must have completed coursework in ENG-W397 or equivalent training. If you are interested in taking ENG-W397: Writing Center Theory & Practice, please contact Director Lynn Jettpace at


As an experienced writing consultant, your primary duties are to consult with writers and contribute to program development and revision within a University Writing Center (UWC) committee. You will work one-to-one with individual writers as well as facilitate classroom and stand-alone workshops and events. You will be involved with the UWC committee structure, participating actively on one committee but also supporting the work of other committees as needed. You will also be scheduled to staff the reception desk. Consultants can expect to work in the Center between 6 and 20 hours a week. Each consultant will be evaluated by the UWC Director and/or Assistant Director on an annual basis.


  • Provide one-to-one consulting with writers of all abilities on writing across the curriculum. Writing consultants assist writers with analysis, research, organization, and development. They model writing and revising strategies and encourage writers to experiment with these strategies. Writing consultants act as sounding boards for writing ideas and help writers overcome anxieties and build confidence in their writing.
  • Support and mentor other consultants
  • Answer questions about writing, documentation, resources, research, and the UWC’s programming, philosophy, and pedagogy
  • Introduce the UWC to students by visiting classrooms and taking part in University welcome and orientation events
  • Facilitate small group and classroom workshops covering various writing strategies and concerns, including but not limited to writing process, thesis-driven writing, and citation style
  • Contribute significantly to a Program/Committee responsible for sustaining the quality of UWC programming and services
  • Communicate regularly with Program/Committee Coordinator
  • Engage in the intellectual community of the UWC by furthering knowledge of writing center practice and theory through sustained inquiry
  • Cooperate with all assessment efforts
  • Contribute to the maintenance of the UWC space and community through clerical duties such as answering the phone, assisting students in need of UWC information, and tidying the workspace
  • Communicate with the Director and Assistant Director regularly
  • Attend and engage in orientation workshops and bi-weekly UWC professional development staff meetings
  • Check and respond to email regularly
  • Follow all policies as outlined in the UWC Consultant Handbook


Consultants with at least one semester (but ideally at least one year) of experience are encouraged to apply for leadership positions. Consultants selected for leadership roles are expected to attend regular Leadership Team meetings.

  • Program/Committee Coordinator: Each of the UWC’s committees is led by a Committee Coordinator who serves on the Leadership Team. Committee Coordinators create timelines for committee projects, lead committee meetings, delegate committee work, attend leadership meetings, and generally act as project managers for all committee-related projects. Ideally, a Program/Committee Coordinator will serve in the position for at least one academic year.
  • Administrative Support: On occasion, the Director and/or Assistant Director will advertise the need for semester-long administrative support, which may include tasks such as tracking WC research presentations, organizing files/data, supporting scheduling, reviewing and revising workshop materials, and/or updating UWC resources.