The Indiana Workplace English Collaborative (IWEC) is a partnership between Indiana organizations with the goals (1) to raise community awareness of the need for workplace English, (2) to encourage more Indiana businesses to offer on-shift English classes to their employees, and (3) to create a regional network of ESOL providers to provide these English classes. ICIC’s work with IWEC aligns strongly with its more than 20-year history of providing workplace English classes to central Indiana businesses.

Workplace English Classes

In addition to leading workshops and conversations with Indiana employers, ICIC is one of the collaborating IWEC organizations whose highly-qualified staff offers tailored English language and culture classes in workplaces, often during worker’s shifts.

Learn more about ICIC’s workplace English classes, click here or contact us at icic@iu.edu or (1) (317) 274-2555.

IWEC Partner Organizations

Resources for Employers

Why workplace English matters

In a 2018-19 study conducted in collaboration with IU Indianapolis (formerly IUPUI), Indy Reads, Exodus Refugee Immigration, Department of Workforce Development, and a team of multilingual data collectors, researchers found a need for a more developed network of resources centered in Indianapolis for facilitating English classes in the workplace. It was found that work was the biggest barrier and yet the greatest motivation for English learners to be successful in English classes.

What funding is available

Patients who reach this threshold will receive medication at a substantial discount; – Elimination of patient co-payment for adult vaccines, as well as limiting co-payment for insulin drugs to $35 per month prescription medication. The law thus passed set a precedent for containing drug prices in the world’s most lucrative pharmaceutical market.