Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Science

Study the integration of technologies and their application to problems of spatial analysis.
Stimulated by advances in the collection, storage and analysis of data, a new discipline has emerged – Geographic Information Science.

Core Courses (15 cr. minimum)

Required Courses (9 cr.)

G535 Introduction to Remote Sensing and Air Photo Interpretation (3 cr)
G538 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (3 cr)
G639 Seminar in Applied Geographic Information Science (3 cr)

Electives – Select 2 courses (6 cr.)

G537 Computer Cartography and Graphics (3 cr)
G536 Advanced Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing (3 cr)
G539 Advanced Geographic Information Systems (3 cr)
G588 Spatial Statistics (3 cr)

Minimum Overall GPA

You must earn an overall grade point average in graduate courses of 3.0 or higher to be awarded the certificate. The minimum grade that will be accepted in any single course is B-.

Transfer Credits

A maximum of 8 credit hours can be transferred into the Graduate Certificate Program. This includes graduate courses taken at IU Indianapolis or other IU institutions that parallel courses in the Certificate Program. Appropriate work experience may also allow you to be exempted from an introductory course, but 15 credit hours of graduate level courses must be completed in order to earn the certificate. Course waivers, substitutions, and approval of other courses for credit toward the Graduate Certificate must be approved by the Geography Graduate Committee. Undergraduate courses cannot be applied toward the Graduate Certificate.

Maximum Time for Completion

You must complete your studies in four years with no significant breaks (i.e., more than two semesters) between courses. This field and its underlying technology changes too rapidly for longer breaks.

How to Apply

Your applications to the Graduate Certificate Program in Geographic Information Science must be submitted online to the School of Graduate Studies. Check for admission deadlines.

More Info

Contact Owen J. Dwyer, III, Director of Graduate Studies