Major in Geography

Geographers study the physical world around us to determine what is happening and how they can make it better.

DEM - digital elevation model. Product made after proccesing pictures taken from a drone. It shows excavation site with steep rock walls

Ready to make the world a better place? You will learn the skills that help you approach environmental problems and find their solutions. By developing a comprehensive approach, you’ll determine strategies for resource use and ecosystem management.

With an applied emphasis in environmental analysis, including courses in field methods, remote sensing, cartography, and geographic information systems, you can select a broad academic program or emphasize acquisition of job-related skills.

Degree Requirements

For a Major in Geography (GEOG), you must complete the following:

  • A minimum of 120 credit hours is required for a B.A degree from the IU School of Liberal Arts.
  • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (C) is required for graduation.
  • A minimum of 26 credit hours must be completed after formal admission to IU Indianapolis.
  • A minimum of 21 credit hours of major coursework must be completed in residence in the IU School of Liberal Arts. Coursework completed on an IU-administered or IU co-sponsored Overseas Study program counts as residential credit.
  • A minimum grade of C (2.0) is required in each major course.
  • Once a course has been applied toward one requirement, it cannot be used to satisfy a second requirement, except where explicitly stated otherwise. In addition, except in cases of variable title courses, internships, and other special courses, no course will be counted more than once toward graduation.

Required Courses

  • GEOG-G 107: Physical Systems of the Environment
  • GEOG-G 110: Introduction to Human Geography
  • GEOG-G 309: Frontiers in Geographic Thought
  • GEOG-G 311: Introduction to Research Methods in Geography
  • GEOG-G 300: The World of Maps
  • GEOG-G 336: Introduction to Remote Sensing
  • GEOG-G 337: Computer Cartography and Graphics
  • GEOG-G 338: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
  • GEOG-G 436: Advanced Remote Sensing
  • GEOG-G 438: Advanced Geographic Information Systems
  • GEOG-G 439: Seminar in Geographic Information Science
  • GEOG-G 465 Field Methods in Physical Geography
  • GEOG-G 488: Applied Spatial Statistics


You must complete a total of three courses in environmental and human geography and must include at least one course from each field. You must also take one regional geography course.

  • GEOG-G 303: Weather and Climate
  • GEOG-G 305: Environmental Change: Nature and Impact
  • GEOG-G 307: Biogeography: The Distribution of Life
  • GEOG-G 310: Human Impact on Environment
  • GEOG-G 315: Environmental Conservation
  • GEOG-G 390: Topics in Geography- Environmental Focus
  • GEOG-G 404: Soils Geography
  • GEOG-G 446: Cultural Biogeography
  • GEOG-G 475: Climate Change
  • GEOG-G 302: Introduction to Transportation Analysis
  • GEOG-G 314: Urban Geography
  • GEOG-G 330: North American House Types
  • GEOG-G 331: Economic Geography
  • GEOG-G 355: Political Geography
  • GEOG-G 360: Geography of Wine
  • GEOG-G 390: Topics in Geography- Human Geography Focus
  • GEOG-G 410: Medical Geography
  • GEOG-G 418: Historical Geography
  • GEOG-G 321: Geography of Europe
  • GEOG-G 322: Geography of Russia and Adjacent Lands
  • GEOG-G 323: Geography of Latin America
  • GEOG-G 324: Geography of the Caribbean
  • GEOG-G 326: Geography of North America
  • GEOG-G 327: Geography of Indiana
  • GEOG-G 328: Rural Landscapes of North America
  • GEOG-G 330: North American House Types
  • GEOG-G 334: Field Geography of North America
  • GEOG-G 363: Landscapes and Cultures of the Caribbean
  • GEOG-G 390: Topics in Geography- Variable Regional Focus
  • GEOG-G 421: Environments of Tropical Lands
  • GEOG-G 424: Geography of Africa
  • GEOG-G 491: Capstone Experience in Geography (1 credits) or
  • GEOG-G 439: Seminar in Geographic Information Science (3 credits)


Degree Map

To help you guide your four-year college journey, consult your degree map for a snapshot of classes you will be taking to finish your degree.

More Info

Contact the Geography Chair, Owen Dwyer