Undergraduate Certificate in Geographic Information Science

Stay an extra year and graduate with professional credentials.
Stimulated by advances in the collection, storage and analysis of data, a new discipline has emerged – Geographic Information Science.

Admissions Requirements

Undergraduate students who are currently enrolled at IU Indianapolis may apply for the undergraduate certificate if they meet the following criteria:

  • earned 55 credit hours towards their degree at IU Indianapolis
  • cumulative GPA of 2.5
  • successfully passed Math 118

Students who have not enrolled at IU Indianapolis may be considered for this certificate if they meet the following criteria:

  • apply for Undergraduate Admission to IU Indianapolis and specify the Undergraduate Geographic Information Science Certificate as their objective (Admissions Office 317-274-4591 or apply@iu.edu).
  • have 55 credit hours of transferable work
  • cumulative GPA of 2.5

Students who have already completed undergraduate degrees should apply to the IU Graduate School for admission to the graduate certificate program in GIS.

Course Requirements

You need 21 credit hours with a minimum grade in each course of C.

  • G336 Introduction to Remote Sensing (3 cr.)
  • G338 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
  • G337 Computer Cartography and Graphics (3 cr.)
  • G436 Advanced Remote Sensing (3 cr.)
  • G438 Advanced Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
You must take six credit hours of electives to enhance your technical background in GIS related issues or apply your expertise to a specific area. Such areas include, but are not limited to:
  • Computer Aided Design
  • Surveying
  • Informatics
  • Computer Science and Technology
  • Graphics and Visualization
  • Applications of GIS


Degree Map

To help you guide your four-year college journey, consult your degree map for a snapshot of classes you will be taking to finish your degree.

More Info

Contact the Geography Chair, Owen Dwyer