IUPUI students in the Legal Studies and Paralegal Studies programs learned about careers in the legal field during two recent panels held as part of IUPUI Fall Career Week.

Students hear from attorneys and law students
On Monday, September 19th, students attended Courtrooms and Clients – What it means to be a lawyer. Nine panelists discussed what a typical day for a law student and a lawyer looks like. Students learned what skills are needed in law school. Panel members explained how to get involved in undergrad to help prepare for law school. Students learned about helpful programs and scholarships designed to prepare students for law school. The panelists were:
- Christopher Price with the Marion County Public Defender Agency and Paralegal Studies Faculty member (IUPUI alumni)
- Edward Woolard, Attorney and Solo Practitioner
- Miranda Richard, Attorney and Solo Practitioner (IUPUI alumni)
- Krystal Villarruel, Attorney with Hall, Render
- Kiamesha Colom, Attorney with Taft
- Jimmie McMillan, Attorney, Chief Diversity Officer and Senior Corporate Counsel for Penske Entertainment
- Taylor Gaby, Law Student (IUPUI alumni and past Pathway to Law scholar)
- Lenna Langen
- Alli VanMeter
Several panelists recommended undergraduate students apply for the Pathway to Law diversity pipeline program with the IU McKinney School of Law. The program is a partnership between McKinney and the School of Liberal Arts at IUPUI. Students can apply for the January program today by visiting: https://mckinneylaw.iu.edu/admissions/jd/diversity/pathway-to-the-law.html
On Wednesday, September 21st, IUPUI paralegal students met with a panel of paralegals from the Indiana Paralegal Association. The panel included five paralegals from Indianapolis and was moderated by Professor Shana Stump.
Students learned about the importance of being organized in the legal profession. Panelists stressed the importance of asking questions when starting a new job. The panel discussed options for working as a paralegal beyond the traditional law firm environment. Jobs in risk management, corporate compliance or insurance are all related to the paralegal field.
The paralegal panel also encouraged students to join the Indiana Paralegal Association. Student membership is on $45 and includes monthly luncheons, Continuing Legal Education opportunities, social activities and a member’s only job bank. To join the Indiana Paralegal Association, visit their website here: https://www.indianaparalegals.org/joinIPA