PoliSci Blog

Cropped Picture with the Governor
Posted on April 1st, 2020 in Students/Alumni by Eric Virden

If I could explain my internship with the Indiana State House Democrats in one word, then this post would not go beyond this sentence. However, there is not oneword that can fully describe the nearly three months that I servedas an intern at the Statehouse. It was an experience that both allowed me to shine, …

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Posted on November 7th, 2019 in Students/Alumni by directories

Greetings! Currently, I’m a senior in Political Science with the following minors: Africana Studies, Philosophy and Public Policy. I’d like to share with you some of my experiences while living in Washington D.C. for four months. Despite the government shutdown, luckily, it became an opportunity for me to acquire two internships. I was able to …

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Posted on October 31st, 2019 in Students/Alumni by Sydney Kadinger

As of Saturday, May 11, 2019, I became a college graduate. This exciting milestone had me reflecting on the last four years of my university experience, which I was fortunate enough to spend at IUPUI. When people talk about that “feeling” that you get when you visit a college campus – the one where it …

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POLS Website Photo
Posted on September 19th, 2019 in Faculty, Featured by Scott Pegg

A former British colony, Somaliland proclaimed its independence from Somalia in 1991. Although it has been largely peaceful since 1997, Somaliland’s sovereignty remains entirely unrecognized. It is a paradigmatic example of what IUPUI Political Science Professor Scott Pegg terms “de facto states” – political entities that control territory, provide governance, secure popular legitimacy and yet …

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Posted on September 17th, 2019 in Students/Alumni by Serena Hawkins

The goal of the paper is to connect the dots between direct democracy and feelings of political efficacy. Current scholarly work has not yet been able to show a clear link between these two things. We argue that this is because current work does not take into account the differences in ballot initiative process from state to state, nor the differences between internal and external efficacy. Our research provides a more comprehensive look at the influence direct democracy has on political efficacy, and hopefully a launching pad for more scholarly work regarding the secondary effects of direct democracy.

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