The Department of Political Science faculty’s research is supported by numerous funding agencies and organizations, both public and private.
William Blomquist, Collaborator and Case Leader, “Legal Design Principles of Government-Supported Adaptation: Designing Effective Decentralization Programs in Cities and Vital Water Social-Ecological Systems.” (D. DeCaro, E. Schlager, and S. Siddiki, co-PIs) National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC), funded by the National Science Foundation DBI-1639145, October 2018-October 2020 William Blomquist, Principal Investigator, “California Groundwater Management.” IU Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis. $9,370.00 William Blomquist, Principal Investigator, “Roles, Responsibilities, and Relationships of Key Agencies in Indiana Water Resource Management.” Indiana Finance Authority. July-December 2015. $21,135.00
Tijen Demirel-Pegg, Principal Investigator, Enhanced Mentoring Program with Opportunities for Ways to Excel in Research (EMPOWER). Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and the IUPUI Office for Women. 2018-2019. $10,000 Tijen Demirel-Pegg, Principal Investigator, Grant Improvement through Faculty Training (GIFT). Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and School of Liberal Arts. 2017. $5,000 Tijen Demirel-Pegg, Principal Investigator, Research and Creative Activity Grant. IUPUI Arts and Humanities Institute. 2016. $3,433 Tijen Demirel-Pegg, Principal Investigator, Summer Research and Creative Activity Grant. IUPUI School of Liberal Arts. 2015. $5,000
Aaron Dusso, Indiana University Center for Civic Literacy Research Grant. 2014. $5,000. Aaron Dusso, New Frontiers in the Arts & Humanities, Indiana University. “Voting Correctly: Survey Experiment Measuring and Explaining the Effect of Incomplete Information on Voters' Choice of Presidential Candidate”. 2012. $15,000.
Amanda Friesen, IAHI Summer Academy Fellow, IUPUI Arts and Humanities Institute. 2019. $10,000 Amanda Friesen, New Frontiers Exploratory Travel Grant, IU Office of the Vice President for Research. 2019. $4,921 Amanda Friesen, Overseas Conference Grant, IU Office of the Vice President for International Affairs. 2019. $2,000 Amanda Friesen, IU Consortium for the Study of Religion, Ethics, and Society. $6,000 Amanda Friesen, IUPUI Arts and Humanities Small Travel Grant for Conferences and Exhibitions. 2018. $500 Amanda Friesen, Overseas Conference Grant, IU Office of the Vice President for International Affairs. 2017. $2,000 Amanda Friesen, IUPUI Center for Research and Learning. 2017. $3,200 Amanda Friesen, 2017 IUPUI Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research. 2017. $5,000 Amanda Friesen, 2017 IUPUI Office for Women Kathy Warfel Fund. 2017. $500 Amanda Friesen, IUPUI Arts and Humanities Small Travel Grant for Conferences and Exhibitions. 2016. $500 Amanda Friesen, Shipps Junior Faculty Travel Award. 2016. $900 Amanda Friesen, IUPUI School of Liberal Arts Summer Research Grant. 2015. $6,303 Amanda Friesen, Diverse Europe Theme Group Visiting Scholar, Amsterdam Centre for European Studies. 2019. $2,200 Amanda Friesen, Erasmus Mundus EuroCulture Faculty Exchange Scholarship. 2019. $2,800 Amanda Friesen, Special Issue Funding, Politics and the Life Sciences. 2019. $1,500 Amanda Friesen, Tuition for Statistical Genetics Workshop, National Science Foundation, Boulder, CO. 2017. $550 Amanda Friesen, National Science Foundation Dissertation Research Improvement Grant. 2011-2012. $12,000
Shana Stump, *Pathways to the Profession, American Bar Association, Project Partner. 2017 – Present. $7500 Shana Stump, *Role of Reflection in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Faculty Learning Community, IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning. $1000, 2017 Shana Stump, *Curriculum Enhancement Grant, IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning, $5000, 2016-2017
Scott D. Wallace, Principal Investigator, “Introduction to Political Science: Course Reformation and Revitalization”, IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning. $5,000 + Department Match. Spring 2017 – Summer 2018 Scott D. Wallace, Principal Investigator, “Logging on to American Politics”, IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning. $5,000 + Department Match. Spring 2015 – Summer 2016
Aaron Dusso, IUPUI School of Liberal Arts Summer Research Grant. 2014. $5,100.
Amanda Friesen, National Science Foundation Dissertation Research Improvement Grant. 2011-2012. $12,000