Grants and Awards

The Department of Political Science faculty’s research is supported by numerous funding agencies and organizations, both public and private.

William Blomquist, Collaborator and Case Leader, “Legal Design Principles of Government-Supported Adaptation: Designing Effective Decentralization Programs in Cities and Vital Water Social-Ecological Systems.” (D. DeCaro, E. Schlager, and S. Siddiki, co-PIs) National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC), funded by the National Science Foundation DBI-1639145, October 2018-October 2020 William Blomquist, Principal Investigator, “California Groundwater Management.” IU Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis. $9,370.00 William Blomquist, Principal Investigator, “Roles, Responsibilities, and Relationships of Key Agencies in Indiana Water Resource Management.” Indiana Finance Authority. July-December 2015. $21,135.00

Tijen Demirel-Pegg, Principal Investigator, Enhanced Mentoring Program with Opportunities for Ways to Excel in Research (EMPOWER). Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and the IUPUI Office for Women. 2018-2019. $10,000 Tijen Demirel-Pegg, Principal Investigator, Grant Improvement through Faculty Training (GIFT). Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and School of Liberal Arts. 2017. $5,000 Tijen Demirel-Pegg, Principal Investigator, Research and Creative Activity Grant. IUPUI Arts and Humanities Institute. 2016. $3,433 Tijen Demirel-Pegg, Principal Investigator, Summer Research and Creative Activity Grant. IUPUI School of Liberal Arts. 2015. $5,000

Aaron Dusso, Indiana University Center for Civic Literacy Research Grant. 2014. $5,000. Aaron Dusso, New Frontiers in the Arts & Humanities, Indiana University. “Voting Correctly: Survey Experiment Measuring and Explaining the Effect of Incomplete Information on Voters' Choice of Presidential Candidate”. 2012. $15,000.

Amanda Friesen, IAHI Summer Academy Fellow, IUPUI Arts and Humanities Institute. 2019. $10,000 Amanda Friesen, New Frontiers Exploratory Travel Grant, IU Office of the Vice President for Research. 2019. $4,921 Amanda Friesen, Overseas Conference Grant, IU Office of the Vice President for International Affairs. 2019. $2,000 Amanda Friesen, IU Consortium for the Study of Religion, Ethics, and Society. $6,000 Amanda Friesen, IUPUI Arts and Humanities Small Travel Grant for Conferences and Exhibitions. 2018. $500 Amanda Friesen, Overseas Conference Grant, IU Office of the Vice President for International Affairs. 2017. $2,000 Amanda Friesen, IUPUI Center for Research and Learning. 2017. $3,200 Amanda Friesen, 2017 IUPUI Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research. 2017. $5,000 Amanda Friesen, 2017 IUPUI Office for Women Kathy Warfel Fund. 2017. $500 Amanda Friesen, IUPUI Arts and Humanities Small Travel Grant for Conferences and Exhibitions. 2016. $500 Amanda Friesen, Shipps Junior Faculty Travel Award. 2016. $900 Amanda Friesen, IUPUI School of Liberal Arts Summer Research Grant. 2015. $6,303 Amanda Friesen, Diverse Europe Theme Group Visiting Scholar, Amsterdam Centre for European Studies. 2019. $2,200 Amanda Friesen, Erasmus Mundus EuroCulture Faculty Exchange Scholarship. 2019. $2,800 Amanda Friesen, Special Issue Funding, Politics and the Life Sciences. 2019. $1,500 Amanda Friesen, Tuition for Statistical Genetics Workshop, National Science Foundation, Boulder, CO. 2017.  $550 Amanda Friesen, National Science Foundation Dissertation Research Improvement Grant. 2011-2012. $12,000

Shana Stump, *Pathways to the Profession, American Bar Association, Project Partner. 2017 – Present. $7500 Shana Stump, *Role of Reflection in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Faculty Learning Community, IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning. $1000, 2017 Shana Stump, *Curriculum Enhancement Grant, IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning, $5000, 2016-2017

Scott D. Wallace, Principal Investigator, “Introduction to Political Science: Course Reformation and Revitalization”, IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning. $5,000 + Department Match. Spring 2017 – Summer 2018 Scott D. Wallace, Principal Investigator, “Logging on to American Politics”, IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning. $5,000 + Department Match. Spring 2015 – Summer 2016

Aaron Dusso, IUPUI School of Liberal Arts Summer Research Grant. 2014. $5,100.

Amanda Friesen, National Science Foundation Dissertation Research Improvement Grant. 2011-2012. $12,000